Total security measures in Kazan’s educational facilities require around 144 million rubles

Total security measures in Kazan’s educational facilities require around 144 million rubles
Photo: Platonov (archive)

Around 144 million rubles are needed to fully provide all educational facilities with security measures in Kazan. Director of the Office of Information Technologies and Communication of the city’s Executive Committee Dmitry Kremlyov said at a Business Monday meeting.

“83 million rubles were saved in 2022. Thanks to this, alarm systems are going to be additionally equipped in 26 schools and 86 kindergartens, 30 schools and 10 kindergartens are going to be installed with public address systems. After the works, 98 facilities will have to equipped with public address systems, 116 facilities — with alarm, 36 — with additional CCTV cameras. Around 144 million rubles are going to be needed for the full equipment of all educational facilities,” he said.

Dmitry Kremlyov reminded the audience that the basic anti-terrorist response kit of any Kazan school includes an alarm button, control and access management system, CCTV systems, public address system and security alarm.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

“600 million rubles have been allocated for the Department of Telecom Technologies to equip and update the security system of social establishments in the last two years. A hundred per cent of schools have been equipped with control and access management systems — 202 schools, 250 doors and 2,612 gates have been installed access control, a hundred per cent of kindergartens — 393 buildings — have been installed 970 doors and 554 gates,” he said.

According to him, 36 kindergartens of Kazan must correct mistakes — to install 155 CCTV cameras to control fundamental elements. This needs approximately 7 million rubles.

Tatiana Dyomina

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