Work in Russia. Time of Opportunities: TAIF-NK takes part in All-Russian Employment Fair

More than 2 thousand vacancies from local employers were presented in Nizhnekamsk at the first All-Russian employment fair — Work in Russia. It was held for two days in the House of Folk Art. The stands of large industrial enterprises, including of TAIF-NK JSC, aroused the greatest interest among applicants. The company invites purposeful and ambitious employees who are ready to grow and develop. How to get to one of the leading oil refineries in Russia, successfully pass an interview, and who is required to join the team of TAIF-NK JSC — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
“Cadres are the key”
The first stage of the All-Russian employment fair, Work in Russia. Time of Opportunities, has been held in Nizhnekamsk. . Within two days, residents of Nizhnekamsk could find a job in the House of Folk Art, learn how to make a resume correctly, learn the rules of a successful interview, become a participant in trainings and career workshops, get expert advice, and also help their child decide on a future profession. The event was held within the framework of Demography national project.
The opening of the fair was attended by Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Olga Voronova, Deputy Mayor of Nizhnekamsk Marina Kamelina, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District Ayzat Makhmutov, representatives of industrial enterprises, organisations, educational institutions.
“It's great that Nizhnekamsk has joined such a large-scale All-Russian campaign these days. We position Nizhnekamsk as a territory of opportunities. And this project shows in the best possible way what opportunities and prospects our city has. Many thanks to all the organisations, especially the social block, which took part in the preparation," said Marina Kamelina, the deputy mayor of Nizhnekamsk, in her welcoming speech.

Many vacancies and employment options of the largest employers of the city, including TAIF-NK JSC, were presented at the fair. “Cadres are the key.
It is really so. Nizhnekamsk is plunging into a galaxy of vacancies for two days. There are many options for career growth and development for applicants here. Today, it is important to pay attention to the personnel potential of Nizhnekamsk. I would like these two days to be productive in terms of employment," said Ayzat Makhmutov, the deputy head of the Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District on Social Issues.
In total, about 2 thousand offers were presented at the Nizhnekamsk employment fair.
“We have invited not only unemployed citizens, but also those who want to change their field of activity. Schoolchildren, parents with schoolchildren. It is often in the following way. It is the parent who chooses a profession. There will be an opportunity for a parent to be present when testing a child, to see the inclinations of his child," said Irina Gerasimenko, the deputy director of the Employment Centre of Nizhnekamsk State Institution, thanking also industrialists for reducing unemployment in the region and career guidance work with schoolchildren and students.
About 100 open vacancies in TAIF-NK

For the convenience of applicants, special platforms for presentations of employers were placed at the fair. Nizhnekamsk residents were greatly interested in the stand of TAIF-NK JSC oil refining company. A presentation video about the company's activities was broadcast on the monitor. Here, the main types of products were presented in glass bulbs on a special rotating stand.

It was possible to get acquainted with vacant vacancies in TAIF-NK JSC in printed form or digitally by scanning a QR code. Currently, the company is in demand for leading laboratory engineers, chief information security specialist, head of the health centre — a general practitioner, automated control system engineer, design engineer, process engineer, labour protection specialist, supply specialist, engineer of the dynamic equipment supervision group, senior computer network administrator, car driver, loader driver, crane operator, commodity operator, instrument maker, mechanic for the repair of technological units, plumber, cleaner of industrial and office premises, cashier, cook and other specialists.

Visitors of the fair carefully studied the vacancies offered, were interested in working conditions and social guarantees.
“I am currently on maternity leave, I am planning to go back to work soon. By education, I am a chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Besides, I have recently graduated from courses in the direction of “Labour Protection”. I hope that my candidacy will be considered and invited for an interview," Elena Ageeva said.
Vadim Shumilov, a fourth-year student of the Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology, future technologist, also came to the job fair in the hope of finding a job at a large industrial enterprise:
“I am both studying and working part-time at the Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology laboratory. After graduation, I dream of getting a job at TAIF-NK. I have heard a lot of good things from friends about this company. When I found out that the job fair would be held in Nizhnekamsk, I decided to come and drop a resume. My average score is 4,2 now, but there is still time to catch up so that I can be hired at the enterprise," he said.
During the employment fair, specialists of the personnel department of TAIF-NK JSC not only consulted the applicants, helped fill out a questionnaire, but also conducted a master class on the topic “Successful interview”. This information was so in demand that dozens of young people periodically gathered around the company's stand, many of whom turned on mobile phone cameras not to miss useful information.

The host of the master class, head of the Personnel Department of TAIF-NK, Galina Shimanskaya, spoke about the important aspects of a successful interview, dwelt in detail on the tricky questions that recruiters ask for interviews. The visitors of the fair learned how to prepare for a meeting with an employer, why the answers should be clear, short and extremely honest, which character traits should be mentioned, and which ones should be kept silent.
The participants of the master class asked the expert a lot of questions. What is the best way to dress for an interview? How to correctly ask a question about the amount of future salary? How to present yourself to a recruiter if there is no work experience? Students received competent and detailed answers to all questions.
“The master class was wonderful. I've learned a lot of new things. Now I know what mistakes can be made during an interview, what it is better to keep silent about, what clothes it is better not to wear. I didn't even think about it before," said Victoria, a participant of the master class.
“People are undoubtedly the main resource of any company”
While the All-Russian Job Fair was going on, employees of TAIF-NK JSC presented detailed information about the company and the professions in demand in it to each applicant who applied.
“The company has about 100 specialised vacancies open. Now applicants have the opportunity to join our friendly TAIF-NK team. We conduct an interview with each future employee, check the availability of all documents. We select promising specialists to work at TAIF-NK even before graduation from an educational institution, we evaluate not only the student's average score, but also participation in Olympiads and competitions of professional skills," said Galina Shimanskaya.

She said: specialists of the personnel department of TAIF-NK regularly consult on professions and working conditions in the company, which is rightfully considered one of the leading in the field of oil refining in Russia.
“People are undoubtedly the main resource of any company. TAIF-NK offers its employees not only high wages, but also a variety of social programmes, opportunity for professional growth, and a rich collective life. The company's employees are active participants in city and national competitions of professional skills, in which they show high results. Numerous sports and cultural events are regularly held at TAIF-NK," emphasises Galina Shimanskaya.

The company actively cooperates with educational institutions of the city. For example, within the framework of cooperation with the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev, a system of dual training was introduced, which allows college students to undergo practical training in the framework of their future profession in the workplace. This year, 35 students are practicing under the dual training system at the enterprise.

For a new employee to quickly join the team and master the profession, the company has developed and successfully operates an adaptation programme. Newly hired employees undergo professional training, they are also assigned mentors — experienced specialists who help them get used to the company and acquire the necessary skills.
Training is provided not only for newly employed specialists — in order to continuously improve the level of qualification of employees, TAIF-NK employees regularly undergo professional training. The company provides various directions and forms: for newly hired workers, for mastering a new profession, training in related specialties, as well as professional development.
In total, following the results of two days, about 40 applicants applied their resumes for work at TAIF-NK JSC. The second stage of the All-Russian Employment Fair this year is scheduled for June, and the venue will be one of the cities of Russia. The best employers from the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District will also be represented there, among which, according to the employees of the Labour and Employment Centre, TAIF-NK JSC has every chance to get there.
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