Victor Dietz: ‘I offered the male population of our people to apply for Wagner Group altogether’

The head of the German House of the Republic of Tatarstan about the future of Russian Germans and ways of their salvation

Victor Dietz: ‘I offered the male population of our people to apply for Wagner Group altogether’

“Russian Germans of Russia should do something unusual, extraordinary to be rescued and survive (as people),” claimed Victor Dietz, the German House of the Republic of Tatarstan. According to him, he offered “all the male population of our people to apply for Wagner Group.” Read more about the future of Russian Germans in Victor Dietz’s op-ed column.

“Russian Germans of Russia should do something extraordinary to survive”

I was sent “Russia’s victory plan” allegedly written by Y. Prigozhin on WhatsApp on 26 March. My agitated brain immediately generated a stream of ideas I sent out to my friends and acquaintances on the Russian internet right away. By morning, I read a statement of Prigozhin himself that it was fake. But I am not going to refuse any of the words I read and I then wrote.

Russian Germans of Russia should do something unusual, extraordinary to be rescued and survive (as people). Speaking the Christian language, only a miracle will save us. I offered all the male population of our people apply for Wagner Group — as a team in an organised way. Might half of our men turn out cowards and start fleeing abroad, but the second half will continue joining Prigozhin’s Group pompously, with big noise, our Russian authorities will have to hear us and help our people to stay in history and on our planet.

“My colleagues in the German movement in Russia represent such rot and slime now”

However, in the last few years, Heinrich Martens has managed to turn our people into the fifth column. And our fifth-columnists (our regional “leaders” started to delete texts of my address from their accounts in a fear and in a hurry condemning our people for shameful death. My colleagues in the German movement in Russia represent such rot and slime now. This has become Brownian motion now.

During the next days I am going to write to the management of Russian Germans of Russia to gather and call our people upon croaking altogether announcing this to the whole world. A quick death is better than the long horror of shameful rotting.

What did you thin up, my “colleagues”? They consider themselves “fighters for the German business,” start singing Russian Germans’ folk songs considering this the summit of this fight and if they start accompanying this singing with ethnically accurate dance, then these “fighters” should be considered heroes of this fight. This is what they consider the culmination of the fight for salvation and conservation of Russian Germans as an ethnic unit of humanity.

I am almost 75 years now, and I don’t have too much time to look at the shameful end of our small unique bilingual and bicultural European people.

Victor Dietz

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Victor Dietz is an active member of the social movement of Russian Germans, founder and head of the German House of the Republic of Tatarstan ANO, Council member of the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Russian Germans and the Panel of the International Union of German Culture.

The author’s opinion does not necessarily coincide with the position of Realnoe Vremya’s editorial board.
