Trade turnover falling, industrial production index growing: TatarstanStat sums up the results of the year

Specialists of Tatarstan State Statistics Service have summed up the results of 2022, assessing several sectors of the republic's economy. Experts calculated the index of industrial production of the republic, estimated the increase in prices for goods and services, and also clarified the situation with unemployment in the Republic of Tatarstan. Realnoe Vremya presents the main points.
Industrial production and agriculture
The industrial production index of Tatarstan has shown good results for the second year in a row. Its growth in 2022 amounted to 6,6%, falling short of the level of the year before last by about 2%. Then the growth of industrial production in Tatarstan had been the highest since 1992 and amounted to 8,5%. At the same time, in the pandemic year, production in Tatarstan fell by 3,4%.
The industrial production index is measured in the form of gross value added for four types of economic activity. These are “mining”, “manufacturing”, “provision of electricity, gas and steam”, as well as “water supply and waste disposal”.

The situation is even better with the volume of agricultural production in all categories of farms. In 2022, it amounted to 333,5 billion rubles, with an increase of 25,9% compared to the previous year. Before that, a drop of 19,5% was recorded.
Production in agricultural organisations increased by 41,6%, in farms — by 35,3%, in private subsidiary farms — by 3,9%. The share of agricultural organisations in the total volume of production is 57,3%, farms — 10,5%, personal subsidiary farms — 32,2%.
At the same time, the production of the main types of livestock products in the farms of all agricultural producers has partially decreased. The decline has affected the production of livestock and poultry.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, losses on cattle amounted to 1,378 heads, including 170 cows. The largest decrease is in Rybno-Slobodsky, Spassky, Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Alkeevsky districts. The largest decrease was observed in Rybno-Slobodsky, Spassky, Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Alkeevsky districts of the republic.
But the production of milk and eggs, on the contrary, has increased by 3,8% and 1,7%, respectively.
Construction and trade
The volume of work performed in the “construction” segment is also on top. The growth amounted to 20,4%. At the same time, last year it was at the level of 7,.4%.
If we talk about the volume of housing commissioned, the growth was 2,7% compared to the previous year. The commissioning of housing in Tatarstan amounted to 3 million 93 thousand square metres by the results of 2022. Currently, 213 apartment buildings with a living area of more than 2 million square metres are under construction.

Retail trade turnover in Tatarstan amounted to 1,2 trillion rubles by the results of the year.
In comparable prices compared to 2021, it decreased by 3,1%.
The index of consumer prices and tariffs for goods and services is steadily growing. On average, the cost of food and non-food products has increased by 11%. The cost of services has increased by the same percentage.
Wages and unemployment
Tatarstan turned out to be one of the 32 regions of Russia where, as of January 1, 2023, there is no overdue salary arrears. The republic has managed to avoid it for six months.
There has been no overdue salary arrears in Tatarstan since July 1, 2022. For comparison, a month earlier it was estimated at 41,1 million rubles. At the beginning of last year, it was 47,6 million, and on October 1, 2021 — 48,5 million.

In the Volga Federal District, salary arrears at the beginning of 2023, in addition to Tatarstan, are absent in Bashkiria, Mordovia, Kirov, Orenburg, Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, that is, in more than half of the regions included in the Volga Federal District. The largest amount owed to employees was registered in the Saratov region — 12,3 million rubles. In the Penza region and Mari El, salary arrears are estimated at 5,4 million, in the Perm region — 1,7 million, and in Udmurtia and Chuvashia — 1 million rubles each.
Unemployment is decreasing every year. At the end of December last year, 7,5 thousand unemployed people were registered in the republic. A year earlier, it was 11,4 thousand. But in the Covid-19 2020 year, 38,7 thousand people were officially “sitting” without work in the republic.
Wages have increased by 1,7% in Tatarstan. For comparison, in 2021 it increased by 5,7%. In January-November, the average earnings of a Tatarstan citizen amounted to 50,4 thousand rubles.
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