Digital sports platform worth 15m rub to be created in Kazan

Digital sports platform worth 15m rub to be created in Kazan

As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, a digital platform in the field of physical culture and sports will be created in the capital of Tatarstan. The customer of the project is the Management of Information Technologies and Communications of Kazan, which plans to spend 15 million rubles from the city budget for these purposes.

2,200 facilities, 27 sports schools and 300 sports events

The purposes of creating the platform are the following:

“Digital transformation of this sphere of activity of the city executive committee, increasing the availability of municipal services and the services in the field of physical culture and sports for citizens, improving the efficiency of the executive committee staff and subordinate organisations in the field of physical culture and sports through the introduction of digital tools," says the project documentation.

Thus, the contractor will have to collect information to form a database of 2,200 objects, 27 sports schools and 300 annual sports events in Kazan. After that, to analyse and make a detailed description of the services provided in these places for residents of the city in digital form. Next, the platform is to link this data with its existing services (there will be 33 of them in total).


Besides, it will also have to conduct analytics, reporting, and also have an electronic system of motivation and remuneration of citizens for sports. If the contractor fails to develop such system independently, they have a platform integration option. Thus, they can combine it with an existing Russian service that is able to solve this problem. At the same time, the platform will necessarily be integrated for transmitting and receiving data with the following systems:

  • Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA);
  • System in the field of physical culture and sports “My sport”;
  • State Information System of Tatarstan;
  • State information System of Physical Culture and Sports on the Gostech platform of the Ministry of Sports of Russia;
  • Platform for the provision of state and municipal services of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Unified digital platform of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The contractor is also to work out in detail the interface of the digital platform and its functionality, as well as develop a plan for further adjustments, diagnostics and development of the system.


Kazan part of the large project

Earlier this month, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko announced that the second state information system (GIS), Physical Culture and Sport (FKiS), had been put into commercial operation on the Gostech platform.

According to him, this system was developed exclusively on a platform of Russian components with the use of necessary information security measures.

“The state information system 'Physical Culture and Sport' was created on the basis of domestic digital solutions. This is a convenient tool for managing the sports industry, designed to combine services for everyone who is involved in sports — this is more than 65 million people. Sports institutions will have the opportunity to use it for free, providing services to citizens. At the moment, a service for assigning titles and categories to athletes is already available in the system, a single calendar plan of sports events is posted. Subjects, sports federations and schools have started registering and posting information on the platform," he said.

In turn, Minister of Sports of Russia Oleg Matytsin said that the system's services are aimed at solving everyday tasks of both professional athletes and amateurs.

“We are living in a time of global digital transformation. To move forward confidently, it is necessary to improve our literacy in this area and use all its advantages. Digital technologies create conditions for improving the quality of people's lives, and the sports sphere must keep up with the times. GIS FKiS aims to improve the efficiency of public administration in the field of physical culture and sports. The system forms modern mechanisms of interaction between all representatives of the industry," Matytsin said.

Photo: Platonov

Maksim Kokunin

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