Tatarstan president orders paying 20k rubles to children of volunteers involved in the special operation

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov ordered to pay 20,000 rubles to children of volunteers involved in the special military operation in Ukraine. His press service said this.

On 7 November, Rustam Minnikhanov held a joint meeting with the task force and the conscription commission for mobilisation. During the meeting, a report on the support for militaries’ families was delivered.

“All support measures should reach every family. Power agencies should start a big explanatory work with the help of the public and volunteers. It is important to surround the mobilised men’s families with care and attention,” the Tatarstan president stressed.

Rustam Minnikhanov also claimed it was necessary to modernise the way military commissariats work when it comes to the registry of people liable for conscription. Also, he singled out the issue of creation of normal living conditions of mobilised men at bases and coordination training sites.

Photo: Repin (archive)

It should be reminded that in late October the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers approved additional support measures for families of citizens conscripted for military service within mobilisation to the Armed Forces of Russia. According to the decree, the following measures were taken for the families of mobilised men in the republic:

  • families with newborns permanently living in the region will be provided with children’s kits regardless of the family’s per capita income;
  • family members such as pensioners and citizens who are 60 and 55 years (men and women respectively) will be provided priority right when getting tours to health resorts according to the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers’ decree;
  • family members along old citizens and Group 1 and 2 disabled people will be provided social services at home free;
  • family members will be provided a priority right when receiving social service in old people’s home as well as clinics for citizens with mental disorders, rehab centres for children and teenagers with disabilities;
  • family members like children with disabilities are provided a priority right to social service in rehab centre for children and teenagers with disabilities;
  • free one meal for family members like students who study in public colleges of Tatarstan;
  • free two-time meal (breakfast and lunch) for students from year one to 11 in public educational organisations of the republic;
  • families with kids from 7 to 17 years inclusively who permanently live in Tatarstan are provided a priority right to holiday tours.

Also, the Tatarstan authorities envisaged one-time payout of 20,000 rubles for every child of the citizen of the republic under 18 who was conscripted for military service within partial mobilisation. The money will be allocated form the reserve fund of the regional government.

Maxim Kokunin

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