Dynamics of average salary in Tatarstan in 2022 — February turned out to be lowest paid

Dynamics of average salary in Tatarstan in 2022 — February turned out to be lowest paid
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Elizaveta Punsheva

The average salary in August in Tatarstan is 50,314 rubles. As Realnoe Vremya found out, this is the fifth time in 2022 when the average monthly earnings of residents of the republic exceeds 50,000. In general, for the first eight months of 2022, the average earnings of Kazan residents amounted to 49,989 rubles, which is an increase of 17,3% compared to the same period last year (42,539 rubles). At the same time, the real salary, calculated taking into account the consumer price index and tariffs for goods and services, amounted to 102,1% in January-August 2022 compared to the corresponding period of 2021, according to Tatarstan statistics.

From 45,8 thousand in February to 53,4 thousand in June

  • January — 46,324 rubles.
  • February — 45,888 rubles.
  • March — 51,073 rubles.
  • April — 50,580 rubles.
  • May — 52,789 rubles.
  • June — 53,489 rubles.
  • July — 49,201 rubles.
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Elizaveta Punsheva

For comparison, in December 2021, the average salary was 61,858 rubles, and in August 2021 — 42,153 rubles, that is, it has increased by 8,161 rubles (17,5%) over the year. In general, Tatarstan citizens earned 44,934 rubles a month last year.

In 11 out of 20 industries, wages are below average

According to official statistics, which are presented by “pure” types of economic activity, in most cases the salary in Tatarstan does not reach the average level of 50,314 rubles — in 11 out of 20 industries.

The education sector has become the lowest paid — in August, teachers received an average of 26,489 rubles. Among other industries: hotels, restaurants and cafes — 33,200 rubles; real estate operations — 34,510 rubles; administrative activities and related additional services — 35,302 rubles; water supply, sanitation, waste collection and disposal, pollution control activities — 38,636 rubles; provision of other types of services — 39,688 rubles; workers in the sphere of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment — 40,570 rubles; agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing, fish farming — 43,114 rubles; wholesale and retail trade, as well as repair of cars and motorcycles — 44,104 rubles; health and social services — 45,341 rubles; construction — 48,596 rubles.

Education sector has become the lowest paid — in August, teachers received an average of 26,489 rubles. Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov (archive)

Employees working in the following areas received the most in August:

  1. research and development — 85,659 rubles;
  2. mining — 82,862;
  3. financial and insurance activities — 75,209 rubles;
  4. information and communication activities — 72,959 rubles;
  5. scientific activity — 71,266 rubles;
  6. provision of electric energy, gas and steam, as well as air conditioning — 70,384 rubles;
  7. manufacturing — 58,670 rubles;
  8. state administration and military security, as well as social security — 53,036 rubles;
  9. transportation and storage — 50,691 rubles.
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov (archive)

Average salary in Tatarstan is much lower than nationwide

It is worth noting that the Tatarstan salary in August is by about 10 thousand less than the Russian one — according to Rosstat, the average earnings in nominal terms for the eighth month of 2022 amounted to 59,907 rubles, an increase of 12,9% compared to August 2021.

The decline in real wages in Russia in August of this year amounted to 1,2% in annual terms after falling by 3,2% in July and June. In general, from January to August of this year, salaries in nominal terms increased by 12,7% compared to the same period last year, in real terms they decreased by 1,5%.

Daria Pinegina

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