Turnover of catering establishments in Tatarstan exceeds 33bn rubles

Turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan increased by 1,4% in August
According to the results of the first seven months of 2022, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan amounted to 28,72 billion rubles. Compared to the same period last year, it remained almost unchanged — the increase was a slight 0,2%.
In April, May, June and July of this year, the turnover of Tatarstan catering establishments have turned out to be less than in the same months of 2021. All this happened against the background of anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the West after the start of the special military operation in February, and the subsequent difficulties with the supply of goods from abroad.

The biggest decrease in the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan was recorded in April — it fell by 7% compared to the same month last year. The indicator amounted to 4,2 billion rubles.
In May, the turnover of catering establishments in the republic decreased by 1,4% compared to the last month of spring 2021, amounting to 4,3 billion rubles. In the first month of the summer of 2022, the figure was recorded at 4,2 billion, which is by 0,8% less than last June. In July, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan also amounted to 4,2 billion, which is by 1,6% less than in July 2021.
After four months of decline relative to the same months of 2021, the turnover of public catering establishments in Tatarstan increased in August. Compared to the end of last summer, it grew by 1,4%, amounting to 4,6 billion rubles.

The August indicator turned out to be the highest in Tatarstan in the first eight months of 2022. The minimum turnover of catering establishments for this period was registered in February — 3,66 billion rubles, which, however, is by 3,9% more than in the same month last year, follows from the data of the Tatarstan Statistics Service.
Largest increase recorded at the beginning of the year
In the first quarter of 2022, the largest turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan was recorded in March — 4,27 billion rubles. This was the first month of “freedom” after the cancellation of QR codes from February 21, which citizens received after vaccination against COVID-19. “Black squares” with pixels were required when visiting public places, including cafes and restaurants, from November 22, 2021.

In the second quarter, the maximum value was recorded for May — 4,3 billion rubles. In general, in April-July, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan amounted to 12,7 billion, having decreased by 3,2% compared to the same period in 2021.
The results for the third quarter have not yet been summed up. August has every chance to remain the leader during this period, since September turned out to be quite cold in Tatarstan — the number of visitors to cafes, bars and restaurants could be less due to the verandas that stopped working.

The largest increase in the turnover of catering establishments relative to the same month for the first eight months of 2022 is still registered in January. The indicator amounted to 3,8 billion rubles, an increase of 7,2% compared to the first month of last year.
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