Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry asks for deferment on republican loans for mobilised entrepreneurs

Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry asks for deferment on republican loans for mobilised entrepreneurs

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tatarstan proposes to provide in the budget mitigating measures for mobilised entrepreneurs and the self-employed. Sergey Karpukhin, the deputy chairman of the organisation, made this initiative at the parliamentary hearings on the formation of the budget for 2023-2025 on 7 October.

He listed eight state support measures that would ease the situation. First of all, Sergey Karpukhin proposed to introduce a delay in the repayment of all loans received from the republican budget on a refundable basis, including leasing under the state programme of entrepreneurship support, as well as to freeze the accrual of interest and penalties on them.

It is also proposed to exempt mobilised entrepreneurs and the self-employed from paying property and land taxes, to allow early termination of lease agreements of municipal property. Besides, he considers it necessary to write off the outstanding debt to the republican budget in the event of the death or disability of an entrepreneur.

Photo: Tikhonov

“The mobilisation of sole proprietors, and especially if they are the sole owner of a business, leads to the risk of suspension of their activities and the inability to fulfill obligations to their employees and third parties," the speaker stressed.

It should be noted that in early October the Federal Tax Service of Russia sent explanations to the regions that mobilised entrepreneurs should submit reports and pay contributions for employees in the usual manner. “The duty to pay taxes on time is not removed from citizens called up for military service as part of partial mobilisation, and insurance premiums for employees are not removed for entrepreneurs, and the latter must also submit accounting and tax reports," the Federal Tax Service explained.

The Federal Tax Service believes that entrepreneurs can carry out their duties through authorised persons by issuing a power of attorney through the commander of a military unit and sending it by mail. And the payment of taxes by individuals (for example, transport tax, property tax) can be made by relatives, friends or other third parties — by the Federal Tax ID of the mobilised people.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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