Tatarstan has no plans to introduce mandatory mask regime so far

A company can arrange for the mandatory wearing of masks at its discretion
Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov announced at a meeting over the weekend that the mask regime should be returned. However, in a recommendatory nature and only for enterprises — they do not plan to return to the mandatory wearing of masks yet. This was reported to Realnoe Vremya by Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Leyla Fazleeva.
“In theory, each head of the enterprise has the opportunity to organise a mask regime at their workplace, depending on the situation," confirmed the head of the operations centre for countering the spread of coronavirus.
Separate decisions have been made, for example, for security forces and doctors. For them, wearing masks is mandatory. Besides, at the KAMAZ factories, a mask regime against the background of morbidity has been introduced since August 1. A number of organisations are still waiting for the decision of the management.
Morbidity and the number of hospitalisations are growing
The incidence of coronavirus in the republic continues to grow. Last week, 564 people were infected with COVID-19. This figure is by 48% higher than the figure of the previous seven days. . In total, 154,795 residents have been infected during the pandemic. In Russia — more than 25,000 cases a day and about 19 million for all time.
The number of hospitalised is also increasing. From August 8 to 14, 350 people infected with coronavirus were hospitalised in Tatarstan. This is by 10,7% more than in the first week of the month.
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