Herd immunity to coronavirus falls below 5% in Tatarstan

As of 5 August, herd immunity to coronavirus is assessed at 4,8%. A week ago, it was 5,9%.

According to the federal task force, 2,555,145 people have received a vaccine against coronavirus in Tatarstan. Of them, 2,479,003 Tatarstan residents have completed the vaccination.

It is noteworthy that according to the Tatarstan office of the Russian consumer rights protection watchdog, in early spring, herd immunity to coronavirus in Tatarstan was over 80%. Due to this, there was made a decision to cancel mandatory vaccination for some citizens on 14 March.

The requirement was in force since October 2021. The decree of head of the Tatarstan office of the Russian consumer rights protection watchdog Marina Patyashina read that herd immunity among the citizens who were subject to mandatory vaccination surpassed 80% as of 10 March 2022.

Nowadays there aren’t any ongoing coronavirus-related restrictions in the republic. The masks were cancelled in early summer — a dedicated decree of the republican government was issued on 6 June. At the same time, Tatarstan citizens over 65 years and citizens with chronic cardiovascular diseases are recommended wearing masks in crowded places. Also, people with cancer, pregnant women, patients with obesity and immunodeficiency regardless of their age are also recommended using them.

The Tatarstan authorities decided to terminate the validity of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 208 as of 19 March 2020 On Measures Preventing the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus Infection in the Republic of Tatarstan on 8 July. The restrictions on the number of people in leisure activities, entertaining, physical, sports, exhibition, educational, advertising events lost their force on that day. Registry offices returned to their habitual working mode — any number of guests are allowed during the wedding.

Tatiana Dyomina

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