Kazan school graduates mostly choose IT and medicine at universities and colleges, research reads

Kazan school graduates mostly choose IT and medicine to study at universities and colleges. Analysts of SuperJob shared such data with Realnoe Vremya. The survey was held from 21 March to 31 May 2022.

The researchers note that now more and more school students prefer leaving the school after grade nine and entering colleges. One in four parents claims their children have such plans. Both university and college freshmen mostly choose IT and medical jobs, the research notes.

Mostly IT and medicine are chosen

48% of the parents in Kazan talk about studying in the high school and entering a university. More than a quarter (26%) said their children were going to enter colleges. Some 3% said after school their child won’t continue studying but immediately find a job. Another 20% haven’t made a decision yet.

“Entering a college, parents say, graduates mostly choose becoming a programmer (26%), nurse (15%), designer (12%) or teacher (10%),” the research says.

About 9% of the respondents are going to study to become a builder or police worker, another 6% want to become a jurist and car repairer. About 4% of the parents told them their children planned to master the profession of an accountant at college.

The profession of programmer (33%) is also in the lead among university applicants. Medicine (15%) ranks second. Another 10% of the applicants are going to become economists. 6% of the respondents decided to become an engineer or psychologist.

Fewer people choose chemistry and biology to sit an exam, IT is gaining momentum

At the same time, the data on the number of students sitting state exams says that fewer graduates choose chemistry and biology than during the previous years.

7,388 people decided to sit an exam in biology after grade nine in 2019. This year, their number has reduced to 6,386. There has been a decrease in the number of people doing an exam in this subject after grade eleven in the last four years — by 756 people.

Chemistry shows a higher pace of lower popularity for state examination. This year, the number of students in this exam has fallen by a third. 3,530 people will sit it this year against 5,301 in 2019.

The picture is completely different in state exams in informatics. So compared to 2019, a thousand people more have chosen this exam. In 2019, 19,368 people sat this exam. This year, their number has increased to 20,416.

The quantity of students doing this exam after grade eleven. So 1,750 people did an exam in informatics in 2019, 1,948 did in 2020, 2,307 in 2021. This year, 2,814 will take a state exam in informatics.

Artyom Gafarov

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