Tatarstan has enough sugar and grain stock until new harvest

Tatarstan has enough sugar and grain stock until the new harvest. Realnoe Vremya was told in the press service of the republic’s Ministry of Agriculture.

Grain stock is over 400,000 tonnes

As the ministry said, now grain stock in Tatarstan is now over 400,000 tonnes.

“Nowadays grain stock in elevators and grain reception centres total over 400,000 tonnes. All big enterprises have contracts till the end of the summer,” it said.

Such data suggests that there is no threat of a deficit of bread and other bread products in the republic and there will be uninterrupted supplies to big store chains until the end of the summer and the new harvest.

Enough sugar until new sugar beet harvest

A good situation is noted with sugar stock in Tatarstan too. The republic’s Ministry of Agriculture said that sugar factories store over 7,000 tonnes of product. This is enough for the new sugar beet harvest.

“The warehouses of sugar factories can store over 7,000 tonnes of sugar,” the Ministry of Agriculture said.

With the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, an unreasonably high demand for sugar appeared in Tatarstan when buyers themselves stocked up on the product from the shelves by creating a deficit. The city administration of Kazan said that speculators and dishonest entrepreneurs were the culprits of the shortage.

Demand for sugar and flour stabilised only in late April. Then, according to Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin, Tatarstan residents buy 1,122 tonnes of sugar and 1,078 tonnes of flour in a week, from 3 to 9 March 2022.

Sowing in Tatarstan is 69% complete

Sowing is already underway in Tatarstan. As of 23 May, 69% of the areas designed for this have already been sowed.

Buinsk District, Tatarsta, has the biggest arable area — 68,900 ha, of which 55,500 ha has been sowed (80%). This district is first in the sowed area. Spass District of the republic turned out to be the leader in grains in percentages. 86% of the area has already been sowed there (33,700 out of 39,300 ha).

In mid-March, Minister of Agriculture of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov said that the republic was provided with seed stock 115%. He noted that they planned to increase the forage area thanks to grains. A transitory stock of food is the reason, says the press service of the Tatarstan president.

Artyom Gafarov

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