'Waiting list for the production of bicycle spare parts is until 2025'

How a shortage of components has caused a rise in prices for two-wheeled vehicles

The consequences of last year's shutdown of factories for the production of components for bicycles during the lockdown period are still affecting. As a result of production downtime, a shortage of the most popular brands of two-wheeled vehicles has formed. Moreover, according to experts, we will feel it for several more years. The shortage of spare parts has led to an increase in prices for bicycles up to 45%. Legislative innovations also played a role in pricing, which introduced a recycling fee and labelling of bicycle frames. “They promised that this would be borne by the supplier, but everything fell on the customers and on the stores," the sellers complain. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Bicycle shortage — prices go up

Earlier, we wrote about the decline in the supply of new cars on the market in Russia, associated with the shutdown of global production in 2020. However, the coronacrisis has not spared the bicycle manufacturers.

“The problem is that the suppliers themselves do not have bicycles. Last year, due to coronavirus infection, the Shimano and SRAM plants did not work. There were no components, so only a small number of bicycles were produced," Mark, a seller, from Velostrana told our publication.

The deliveries, according to him, went only to the own markets of Japanese and American companies, and only very small remnants got to Russia. Therefore, few models of bicycles are presented in specialised stores:

“Cube, Merida, Format — they brought their bicycles. More expensive brands Trek, Specialized, Scott have not yet arrived this year. Of course, it is also impossible to order them.”

Trial-Sport confirmed the negative trend with deliveries: “Last year a lot came, but this year — from the new season (2021) — 10-20 bicycles only. Because of the pandemic and the shutdown of production.”

According to the sellers of Velosport, the deficit this year is even greater than in the summer of 2020:

“There are not enough spare parts. The waiting list for the production of spare parts is until 2025. Chinese factories did not work for 6 months, because of this, everything stalled, all the reserves were exhausted.”

“There will be no new deliveries of Merida, and what is available is running out”

At the same time, earlier, according to the interlocutor, it was possible to make pre-orders for missing models. This year, it is difficult with this, because no one knows whether it will be possible to buy such a bike:

“Let's say we signed a contract with you, you left an advance payment, they say at the factory: 'It will appear on the 15th.' But on the 15th, they (at the factory) say that they have produced 2 bicycles and have already sold them. There are no one left, and there will not be any more. I won't bring it to you anymore. This year, it is like this. Everything is complicated.”

The interlocutor of the publication from Velograd reported that in the absence of the necessary model in Kazan, you can order from Moscow, but the delivery will be paid, by a transport company. But there is no possibility to order from abroad now:

“We sell only what is available. As for Merida, there will be no new deliveries. What is available is already running out. The prices have become higher this year and will grow every year. It will not be cheaper, only if you get to Black Friday and buy what is left. Entry-level bicycles have risen in price by about 10,000. The middle segment has increased in price by 10-15 thousand rubles.”

According to the estimates of the employees of Velosport, prices have risen by about 45% this year. Trial-Sport confirmed the price increase relative to last year, citing the example of the GT avalanche sport bike, which is now on the promotion (40,757 rubles) will cost more by 3-5 thousand rubles (about 10%).

Fee for recycling and labelling cost a pretty penny

Sports stores note that the price increase is caused not only by a shortage of models and components. For example, Mark from Velostrana reminded about the additional costs due to changes in legislation:

“Prices have also increased due to two new laws — on the recycling fee and on the labelling of bicycle frames. They promised that this would be borne by the supplier, but everything fell on the customers and on the stores. Therefore, bicycles have become quite expensive, probably by a third compared to the previous two years.”

According to the seller, the demand for bicycles in Kazan is growing every year. Two-wheeled transport was especially popular in 2020:

“It's understandable, everyone was sitting at home. The demand is growing now, and there are fewer and fewer bicycles. Until 2022, Shimano manufacturer has everything planned. Unfortunately, everything will only get more and more expensive. From 2023, maybe the situation will change: there will be more assortment, and the range, and the corresponding price — less. But until that time, it will only grow, unfortunately.”

Yevgeny Khramov

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