Pandemic year spurs demand for online promotion in Kazan

How demand for social media changed in the Tatarstan capital

Demand for services of online promotion in Kazan has increased by 51% over the last year, reads Avito Services’ research (Realnoe Vremya has the results of the research at its disposal). Supply of such services has risen too — the number of ads in the category has grown by 64%.

Authors of the research note that during the period of COVID-19 restrictions, ad services and social media became the main if not the only channel to attract clients and therefore to survive for many companies. At the same time, citizens began to look for additional sources of income during the pandemic, and many of them monetised skills of running accounts on social media.

Instagram, Telegram and VK became the most popular social networks that account for 87% of the total demand in the category. But this demand didn’t increase equally:

  • Facebook became the most dynamically growing social network in Kazan: demand for promotion rose by 97%, supply did by 150%. At the same time, the authors of the research note that the “average price tag” in this segment fell by 35%.
  • follows Facebook: demand for promotion increase by 75% there, supply did by 36%, the price of services didn’t almost change.
  • Instagram is in third place. Demand for promotion went up by 66%, supply increased by 52%, while the price tag didn’t change like in the case of
  • Telegram is fourth: people were interested in promotion 56% more than a year earlier, demand augmented by 70%, while promotion services became 36% more expensive.
  • YouTube occupies the fifth position, services of promotion were looked for there 23% more, while these serviced were offered 32% more often. This segment also has certain dumping, minus 30%.
  • According to Avito Services’s data, context advertising felt the influence of the pandemic: supply rose by 3%, while demand dropped by 28%. The price at the same time grew by 23%.

Moreover, demand for promotion on TikTok rapidly grew, but there are at the moment few specialists in this social network in Kazan — there are fewer than 20 ads in this category.

“Businesses understand that entering a new platform, they can be ranked higher than their opponents”

Founder of DrugMedia Denis Suprunov noted a rise in demand for services to promote on the Internet in a talk with Realnoe Vremya. At the same time, he talked about another segment that is gaining momentum.

“Indeed, demand increased and changed. Both demand and supply of services of promotion in marketplaces increased. The market changed here, new roles, new sites appeared. I can also say that YouTube is a creation of channels, promotion. TikTok grew too, now it has slowed down. First of all, there is growth because of the appearance of new sites: businesses understand that entering a new platform, they can be ranked higher than their opponents that once already outstripped, Instagram, Google, Yandex,” Suprunov claims.
By Alexander Artemyev

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