Keys to happiness: TGC-16 energetically solves housing problem

The enterprise has invested 779,1 million rubles in housing schemes

The enterprise's social policy is one of the additional stimuli for its employees. TGC-16 energy company, which is part of TAIF GC, annually allocates money on housing schemes. 318 employees have purchased flats since the company was created in 2010. Details are in the material.

''Targeted loan became great support''

Ilnar Suleymanov and his spouse Indira Suleymanova became happy owners of a three-bedroomed flat in new Rainbow micro-district two years ago. Previously the spouses and their two little children were cooped up in a one-bedroomed flat of 35 square metres. Now they remember that the flat first seemed too big.

''The 82-square metre flat seemed a palace after the 35-square metres. It took a long time to get used to such a big flat. First, we would spend almost all the time in one room, the younger son even was a bit afraid of leaving it. Now we've got used. It's just grace,'' Indira Suleymanova shared her joyous emotions.

The Suleymanovs work in the Kazan CHPP-3. Ilnar works as a locksmith in the boiler and turbine shop, Indira is the head of the central warehouse, director of the production and warehouse supply group. TGC-16 company gave the family a flat in the complex, which was under construction, on Social Mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan mortgage scheme.

The company's social policy is one of the additional stimuli for TGC-16 PJSC employees. The enterprise annually voluntarily allocates money on housing schemes. TGC-16 has been participating in Social Mortgage scheme since its foundation in 2010. The company has additionally participated in the programmes Industrial Complex Development in the Republic of Tatarstan and Sale of Flats on House Purchase Agreements since 2014.

TGC-16 has allocated 779,1 million rubles in total on housing schemes since June 2010.

The energy enterprise also grants its employees who need to improve living conditions a one-time loan for the first instalment of the purchased flat up to 277,000 rubles.

The 82-square metre flat seemed a palace after the 35-square metres

''The targeted loan granted by TGC-16 became great support for us. Of course, we had some savings, but this wasn't enough to pay the first instalment completely. And now we managed to do home improvement, buy furniture because we can begin paying the loan only in 5 years,'' says Ilnar Suleymanov.

Tears of happiness

The Suleymanovs became one of the first residents in Rainbow. They got the keys to the bright block of flats on Nurikhan Fattakh Street in a solemn setting with Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov. The spouses remember that day with special warmth.

''It was a frosty December day. All future residents came to get the keys to their legal flats despite the cold and icy winds. We were standing with the kids and had balloons in our hands. We could warm up with hot tea and pastries carefully prepared by TGC-16 in one of the entrances,'' remembers Indira. ''The keys were given by the last name. And seeing our flat gave me goose pimples. It was so pleasant, I was crying with happiness. You look and think: ''Is this all really mine now?'' she continues with a smile.

''All future residents came to get the keys to their legal flats despite the cold and icy wind,'' remembers Indira. Photo: Maksim Platonov

The official commissioning ceremony of the first residential block of flats in Rainbow was in late 2015. Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov personally inspected the block. 22 employees of TGC-16 PJSC and 14 employees of Kazanorgsintez PJSC from TAIF Group of Companies got the keys to the long-awaited flats in this block.

''The development concept of TAIF Group of Companies coincides with the strategy existing in the republic. First of all, it's to provide normal living conditions to Tatarstan residents,'' Minnikhanov said when giving the keys.

The Tatarstan President's State Housing Fund became the client of the project. The Kazan CHPP-3 heats and supplies the micro-district with electrical energy.

Cheap heating and closeness to work

The Suleymanovs's spacious flat is located on the 15 th floor of the multi-family block of flats. Now the family owns big bedrooms, two balconies, a wide kitchen. The entrance has parking for prams and bicycles, a big lift, ramps, there is a playground next to the block, which is important for young families.

''I like the flat's planning very much. I always dreamt of a square corridor to place a full-fledged wardrobe. For me, as a woman, the kitchen is important. It's very spacious. The adjacent territory gladdens very much. Every block of flats has its own playground. There are sites to play football and volleyball,'' Indira is amazed.

TGC-16 really cares about the comfortability of its employees' living conditions. The energy company's employees weekly go on a tour of inspection of the micro-district's construction sites. They immediately send remarks to the city administration if there are even minor infractions.

The adjacent territory gladdens very much. Every block of flats has its own playground

Utility bills also became a pleasant bonus of the new flat – heating bills suddenly reduced.

''We pay 6,500 rubles for the 82-square metre flat in winter. My mother pays over 7,000 rubles for 64 square metres in Privolzhsky District. We also used to receive high heating bills for the one-bedroomed flat in Novo-Savinovsky District. And here it's much cheaper, it's a surprise,'' Indira is surprised.

Utility bills also became a pleasant bonus of the new flat – heating bills suddenly reduced

Closeness to work is the biggest advantage of the new dwelling for the Suleymanovs. One week after moving to the new flat, TGC-16 launched a shuttle between Rainbow and the Kazan CHPP-3.

''The shift begins at 07.30 a.m., the shuttle picks me up at 06.50 already. I calmly get to work without worrying about transfer. I don't care about the way I get to work and go back home. It's a huge advantage,'' thinks Indira.

''Construction was under way everywhere''

Rainbow micro-district grows and develops in front of the Suleymanovs' eyes. The complex appeared almost from scratch.

''We moved in February, construction was under way everywhere. We couldn't talk about infrastructure – there wasn't even any street light. But many shops, hairdressers, pharmacies have appeared here in some two years. Now it's very pleasant to walk in the micro-district,'' Ilnar tells.

Young families are the residents of the micro-district. A kindergarten for kids opened a long time ago. Ilnar and Indira's youngest son became one of its first guests.

''We like the kindergarten very much. Everything is new here, from beds to toys. We even didn't have to buy anything, which is important. It's good food isn't delivered, food is cooked for the kids on the spot. There is an opportunity to develop a child – the kindergarten has many classes. It's apples and oranges in comparison with the previous kindergarten,'' Indira says admiringly.

A kindergarten for kids opened a long time ago. Ilnar and Indira's youngest son became one of its first guests

The School No. 182 opened its doors in the micro-district on 1 September. The educational establishment has 51 classes, two swimming pools for secondary and primary school, a gym. The Suleymanovs' older son went to the sixth grade to the school.

''Arsen is very glad he went to the new school. He has got many friends in Rainbow, and now they study together,'' Indira is glad.

Arsen is very glad he went to the new school. He has got many friends in Rainbow, and now they study together

Earlier the family had to take the boy to school to another quarter. Weather and circumstances can be different, the child had to spend a night in Kazan with his grandmother from time to time.

''We lived like nomads,'' Ilnar laughs. ''This is why we waited for the school very much. Now we finally can be together,'' the family head adds.

''The district lacks activity at the moment''

Remembering the first difficulties, the spouses note traffic jams.

''There was a collapse on the road in the beginning. We already were in traffic jams after leaving the precinct. The road was expanded as time went by, and it became easier to get to the city. Now it takes about 40 minutes to reach Kazan,'' Ilnar Suleymanov tells.

Now a warm homely atmosphere reigns in the micro-district. Residents solve general problems in chats and congratulate each other on holidays.

''Rainbow managing company adorns the central New Year Tree by creating an atmosphere of festivity and cosiness. Good neighbourly relations in the micro-district gladden me a lot. Here many people know each other in general, it's possible to meet colleagues everywhere,'' Indira laughs.

Good neighbourly relations in the micro-district gladden me a lot. Here many people know each other in general, it's possible to meet colleagues everywhere

The new district has room to grow, moreover, it has potential for it, think the Suleymanovs.

''The main problem is that the micro-district doesn't have a polyclinic for children. And parents with ill children have to go the nearest one, which is in Yudino settlement (Editor's Note: the urban polyclinic for kids No. 4). We'd like a polyclinic for kids to open here. Yudino is far to go,'' Indira complains. And speaking about the road, she adds that only one bus goes from Rainbow to the city – Bus 36. ''I think it's too little for such a micro-district,'' she says.

The new district has room to grow, moreover, it has potential for it, think the Suleymanovs

''We'd like a leisure centre to be built, so that we could go to the cinema or café with the children. We'd also like to have fitness centres. The district lacks activity at the moment,'' the Suleymanovs note.

However, despite all difficulties, the Suleymanovs family is sure Rainbow has huge potential.

''A lot still can be done here. We think it will be a real town with excellent infrastructure,'' Ilnar and Indira forecast.

Partnership material

Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

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