UAE reaching for the stars: Russia promises to help the Arabs conquer space

Global plans at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Emirati Commission on Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation in Kazan

A meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Emirati Commission on Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation was held in the Kazan city hall with the participation of President Rustam Minnikhanov. On this occasion, heads of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov and UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan came to the capital of Tatarstan. The meeting resulted in the signing of several agreements, for example, on the abolition of visas for citizens of both countries and on cooperation in the field of automotive industry. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

The growth of tourist flow and trade turnover

The UAE is an important political and trade partner for our country, the relations between the two countries show steady growth, the minister of industry and trade of Russia said after the meeting during a media scrum:

''Additional favourable conditions for the development of business mobility — the abolition of visa requirements. Last year, the tourist flow of Russian tourists to the UAE increased by more than 50% and amounted to 750,000 people. The contribution to the economy of the Emirates amounted to 2,3 billion dollars,'' said Denis Manturov.

On July 6, following the meeting, an agreement was signed between the two countries on the abolition of visas for citizens of Russia and the UAE. For its part, our country also expects to increase the tourist flow of residents from the Emirates.

On July 6, following the meeting, an agreement was signed between the two countries on the abolition of visas for citizens of Russia and the UAE

Trade relations also show growth. Last year, bilateral trade turnover increased by 31% and amounted to 6 billion dollars. At the same time, the share of agricultural products accounts for 20%, both sides also place big hopes on this direction. The year 2018 is already showing a rapid growth — from January to April the mutual trade relations between the two countries have already reached 634 million dollars, the increase compared to the same period last year — 64%. The parties expressed interest in the development of energy equipment, the creation of cyber security systems. Manturov especially highlighted the mutual interest in aviation industry. In his opinion, it is possible to launch the production of components for Russian aircrafts in the UAE.

In the oil and gas industry, Russia is actively promoting specialized equipment to the UAE market. The Arab partners have an interest and desire to develop oil fields in Siberia. In terms of industrial cooperation, our countries are ready to jointly participate in the development of the Russian industrial zone in Egypt.

''It will be an industrial cluster with the supply of products to the North African and Middle Eastern markets,'' said Manturov.

He highlighted Tatarstan in interregional cooperation. After the meeting, it was signed the memorandum of cooperation between the Investment Development Agency of Tatarstan and the Private Office of Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum.

After the meeting, it was signed the memorandum of cooperation between the Investment Development Agency of Tatarstan and the Private Office of Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum

Work in space industry

From the UAE, our country is waiting for confirmation on the work related to agreements in the field of scientific and technical cooperation. For example, Russia is ready to help the UAE in space exploration.

''We are talking not only about sending your astronaut to our space station. This is a good groundwork for the development of the aerospace segment,'' Denis Manturov said.

Already during the media scrum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan gave his assessment of such cooperation.

The minister said this reflects the state of mutual trust between the two countries. He especially thanked for agreeing to work in space industry, expressed hope that the team of Russian and Arab cosmonauts would be launched sometime.

Readiness to create conditions

The Arab partners will also develop the automotive industry, in particular in the direction of the production of premium cars. The agreement was signed between Sollers PJSC, Aurus and Tawazun Holding LLC. More specific details, according to Manturov, can be obtained closer to the next meeting of the commission.

''We are interested in cooperation and are ready to create all necessary conditions,'' Tatarstan President assured his Arab colleagues

Rustam Minnikhanov, for his part, called to expand the number of flights, strengthen cooperation in petrochemistry, IT and shipbuilding, ''We are interested in cooperation and are ready to create all necessary conditions,'' Tatarstan President assured his Arab colleagues.

By Yulia Kosolapkina. Photo: Rustem Kadyrov /

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