New entrance control post at Kazanorgsintez: enhancing security

A new checkpoint at Kazanorgsintez has been equipped with breathalyzer, metal detector and facial recognition system

Security control at Kazanorgsintez starts at the entrances. More than 3,000 people a day pass through the plant's security gatehouses. The construction of an improved central gatehouse began in 2017 to prevent terrorist attacks on the territory of Kazanorgsintez (KOS). The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya attended the new entrance opening ceremony, where he found out about the equipment and how the breathalyzer works.

It took less than a year to construct the new checkpoint

The construction of the new central security gatehouse at Kazanorgsintez PJSC was conducted from April 2017. The project of the security gatehouse was developed by the Kazan Institute Soyuzkhimpromproekt. The general contractor is Kapital-Stroy PLC. The representatives of these companies had the honour to cut the symbolic ribbon at the opening ceremony in the middle of January of this year.

The directorate of KOS took the decision to build the new checkpoint, which was erected in the shortest possible time

Ruslan Shigabutdinov, chairperson of the board of directors of Kazanorgsintez PJSC, who attended the opening ceremony of the central security gatehouse, noted the importance of the new object:

''We often heard criticism of the old checkpoint at labour union's meetings: it failed to cope with an influx of workers, created a lot of discomfort. The directorate took the decision to build the new checkpoint, which was erected in the shortest possible time using modern technology. Now employees can pass through them quickly and without problems. Our plant with a long history is worthy of using the best technologies and approaches to work. The checkpoint is a symbolic object, it is what a young green specialist sees in the first place.''

The prerogative of the Executive Directorate of TAIF Group was the security of the enterprise and workers

The security service of the enterprise and the employees of the private security company Kennard will be located in the two-storey building of the central entrance. Assistant to director general for economic and anti-terrorist security and regime at Kazanorgsintez PJSC Rostislav Sarkisov at the opening ceremony stated that the prerogative of the Executive Directorate of TAIF Group was the security of the enterprise and workers.

''The state-of-the-art entrance building will enable us to carry out control activities with honour. The first central checkpoint began operating at KOS in 1963. We was going to celebrate its 55th anniversary on 1 January, but by the decision of the Executive Directorate a great work was conducted and the central entrance was opened in a year,'' Rostislav Sarkisov added.

All the nuances of the work at chemical plant were taken into account for the construction of the building. The security gatehouse has been equipped with alarms about potential accidents, protection from their consequences. Technical security systems of the new generation provide protection from unauthorized entry into the territory of KOS to unauthorised persons and entry of vehicles. The workers will not be able to carry prohibited items on the territory of the enterprise.

About how KOS workers are checked at the new checkpoint

The work of the security gatehouse represents a sluice system, which is equipped with turnstiles, breathalyzer, metal detector and speedy passage

After the official part of the opening ceremony, deputy technical director of the private security company Kennard OJSC Oleg Kalashnikov gave a tour around the new checkpoint. The work of the security gatehouse represents a sluice system, which is equipped with turnstiles, breathalyzer, metal detector and speedy passage. To enter the territory of the enterprise, the employee must attach a card to the turnstile and then breathe in a breathalyzer. If it green lights, then he or she is allowed to go through a metal detector. The access control system scans the face of the employee and the speedy passage is opened.

There are six turnstiles at the new entrance

One of the workers of KOS tested the response of the breathalyzer for alcohol vapor in human breath. He brought a bottle with alcohol to the equipment and breathed on it. The breathalyzer turned red: the turnstile is automatically locked. In this case, the guards approach to the worker, and the degree of intoxication is clarified in the analysis room.

One of the workers of KOS tested the reaction of the breathalyzer for alcohol

''The guard room is equipped with computer access system. On the monitors during the passage of employees they see a picture of him or her and the passage area. If the surveillance server is faulty and face visualization programme fails, the system can be launched using the code,'' Oleg Kalashnikov says.

The new building of the central checkpoint will be used in a single complex with the previous entrance. There are four turnstiles operating at the first entrance for ''entry-exit'' directions. There are six turnstiles at the new object. The speed of movement of people in the newly built checkpoint is around 8-12 seconds. The employees and visitors can use spacious lockers for the storage of personal belongings.

The territory adjacent to the entrance area will be landscaped and reconstructed this year

The leadership of Kazanorgsintez is planning not to stop on improving the checkpoint: this year a complete reconstruction awaits the old central checkpoint. By inner arrangement, technical equipment and functionality, it is planned to make the old building equivalent to the new one. Both checkpoints will be used for a quick passage, eliminating delays before the turnstiles and other inconveniences. Finally, it is planned to reconstruct and improve the surrounding areas with partial redevelopment of existing facilities using original solutions working on the image of the enterprise.

By Ekaterina Gumarova. Photo: Maksim Platonov

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