How Tatar social media stars and journalists taught each other

The II International Congress of National Bloggers has taken place in Kazan

How Tatar social media stars and journalists taught each other
II International Congress of National Bloggers: first — conversations, then — to the theatre.. Photo: Динар Фатыхов

The II International Congress of National Bloggers is taking place in Kazan: first, the stars of social networks discussed pressing problems in Tatmedia and then went to the Tinchurin Drama and Comedy Theatre to support its activities with a post, story and status. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Return to VKontakte network!

No sooner had the blogger's Sabantuy taken place in the Tyulyachinsky district, than smartphone fighters were back in the ranks. In the theatre, the bloggers were given the Through the Pages of Musical History tour, introduced to the local orchestra and staged a defile of national scarves of the Tatar scarf brand. Apparently, we see a lot of this in their accounts.

But in the Kaef laboratory on the basis of Tatmedia, there was an in-house atmosphere. As its CEO Shamil Sadykov pointed out, the Tatar audience is more than a million people: “I think there are 1-2 million consumers of Tatar content on social networks.” Although bloggers and journalists were sometimes contrasted, the participants came to the conclusion that they have a lot in common, it is worth learning from each other.

They talked about what to write-shoot, for whom and where. For example, the editor-in-chief of Shehri Kazan, Radik Sabirov, complained that bloggers mostly work on Instagram network banned in Russia, but ignore, for example, VKontakte: “If you go to other resources, you will have a larger audience.”

Tatar bloggers went to cover the activities of the Tinchurin Theatre. Динар Фатыхов /

Gardeners, step forward!

“I have been actively blogging for 5 years, talking about gardening," said Ramzia Akhmadullina. “Before that, there was a regular channel. If you share useful information, it is easy to blog, people listen to your advice, ask questions themselves. 600 people watch live broadcasts. The topics are not only concerts, theatres, it may also be gardening. My audience is from 8 to 90 years old, so gardening is interesting for everyone.”

“Coverage is important for bloggers," Aygul Timer shared. “And if you write only about the theatre, no one will be interested in you. The theatre audience is small, I noticed that if you blog about the theatre directly, honestly, you need to know a lot. This does not reach everyone. I decided: I will show it in my own way, so that it is interesting. And then people will be attracted. I would like to say: you don't have to try to show everything beautifully, you can just show it as it was, this is already a big deal in the development of Tatar art.

“Bloggers are businessmen," Ramis Latypov, the editor-in-chief of the Tatar editorial office of Tatar-inform news agency and Intertat website, considers. “They are entrepreneurs. They have their own business. Ok, not all of them. But this is their private business. No one orders them to blog. For some it brings money, others do not earn in principle. Therefore, it is inappropriate to say that bloggers are doing something wrong. They do what they want to do. It is important for me that there is any Tatar theme. Even if a person talks about how he sleeps, eats, drinks, it is interesting for a certain Tatar audience.”

“Here you say — the audience loves me," he returned to the subject anyway. “I have an account on VKontakte, I have a loyal audience there. But if we write about bloggers, the impression is different. They write: we are sick of it, they only talk about what they eat and drink. Aren't there other problems? I care about those who write about problems, about the life of the people, and keep thematic blogs. This does not mean that you are doing something wrong. I'm for any activity. We have a very diligent people, I am glad that the gardening blog on Telegram has almost 9 thousand subscribers.

Later, there was an idea — maybe the media and bloggers should create a common chat where they would ask each other to support each other? The editors noted that this does not work with all bloggers: “It's hard to work with business people with an audience of 300 thousand. We promote them, but they don't even put a hyperlink in their stories.” But gardeners, cooks and other thematic bloggers can definitely be experts in the media.

But it's difficult to talk about the theatre, bloggers say. Динар Фатыхов /

In the morning — to the newspaper, in the evening — to the feed

“You, bloggers, would better learn from journalists how to write correctly, without mistakes!” Rafis Atakaz pointed out. “As a teacher, I see that bloggers make elementary mistakes. You can learn a lot from journalists — how to present material, for example, how to start, how to continue, how to present a thought at the end. And not just — I arrived, I drove, I saw.

Rafis Atakaz (left) talked about literacy. Динар Фатыхов /

At the same time, a journalist can also earn money in blogging, Radik Sabirov added. He gave the example of Dilbar Garifullina, who runs the VKontakte channel Dogaly Yort about Islam for 124 thousand subscribers. She regularly posts links to the native newspaper. Monetisation is also set up there.

“You can't do this on Telegram, Telegram does not accept Tatar," Sabirov spread his hands.

“Two weeks ago I started to set statuses on Telegram and Whatsapp," said Ramzia Galimova, the editor-in-chief of Idel magazine. “The audience is very different. On Whatsapp, they write to me: “Ramzia, the roads in this village are bad!” — my friends and relatives use this app. While on Telegram, there are trendy young people. They have other requests. They say a journalist needs to develop a personal brand. But for me it's like a third shift. I came home and I posted stories on all networks until 12 at night. At the same time, my audience is small. But even advertisers started coming to me. So I told my colleagues — girls, every day in your blogs you talk about Idel, where you went, what you did. Journalists have an interesting life.
Radif Kashapov

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