‘China and Russia are responsible for promoting a multipolar world’

Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Kazan met with participants of the Young Diplomats Tatarstan competition

‘China and Russia are responsible for promoting a multipolar world’
Photo: Максим Платонов

“A diplomat is above all a patriot! It's like a soldier without a military uniform, because he has to protect his homeland and its interests.” With these words, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Kazan Xiang Bo welcomed the participants of the Young Diplomats Tatarstan competition. For future ambassadors, the visit to the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China was the first in their lives, but many of them know firsthand about the politics and culture of the Celestial Empire and even demonstrated knowledge of Chinese, which incredibly pleased the hosts. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“A diplomat is a sacred and noble profession”

The concept of the “Community of Common Destiny of Mankind”, put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping at various international venues, for example, at the UN General Assembly, was discussed with future Tatarstan diplomats at the Consulate General of China in Kazan. The idea is based on the realisation of peaceful development and building a harmonious world.

“You are the gilded youth of Russia, its best representatives," Consul General of the People's Republic of China Xiang Bo addressed the young people in the hall in Kazan. “Some of you are going to become diplomats in the future. After 26 years of work, I would like to share with you some thoughts about this profession. I believe that a diplomat is a sacred and noble profession. A diplomat should be devoted to his people, he is above all a patriot. It's like a soldier without a military uniform, because he has to protect his homeland and its interests.”

“You are the gilded youth of Russia, its best representatives," Consul General of the People's Republic of China Xiang Bo addressed the young people in the hall in Kazan. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

To follow this honourable mission, it is important to understand what the national interests of your country are, the Consul General continued his thought. The ambassador's duty is to strengthen friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation between states, resolve disagreements and disputes through diplomatic means, he noted and spoke about the work of his consulate, which has become the newest and sixth opened by China in Russia.

The Consular district covers 14 subjects of the Volga Federal District, including Tatarstan. The employees work in three main areas. Firstly, it is the further strengthening of relations between China and Russia, the acquaintance of the Chinese people with Tatarstan and other regions of the Volga region. Secondly, the practical cooperation of the PRC with the regions of the Volga Federal District. After taking office, Consul General Xiang Bo visited eight regions of the district and noted their great interest in developing relations with China in the fields of economy, trade, investment, and the humanitarian sphere. The third area of work is to improve the provision of consular functions for both residents of Russia and Chinese citizens.

Ambassador's duty is to strengthen friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation between states, the speaker explained to future diplomats. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

“The concept does not allow for the idea that some states should be at the table and others — only on the menu”

Returning to the topic of the concept, he noted that China and Russia, as major world powers, pursue an independent foreign policy. Therefore, he considers it very important and necessary to exchange views between our two countries and its young diplomats.

“Last March, we held the first meeting of youth representatives from China and Russia here. I remember well that young people from the Russian side actively discussed Sino-Russian relations, prospects for cooperation, and foreign policy. I think this produced a fruitful result, and the topic of today's meeting was first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to Russia almost 11 years ago. Over the past 10 years, the idea of building a common destiny of mankind has received wide support in many countries, including Russia," the speaker stressed.

Diplomats of the consulate revealed in more detail four important aspects of the concept of the PRC. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

According to him, this idea has turned from a Chinese initiative into an international consensus. The main content of the concept is to create lasting peace, universal security and prosperity. It carries values for all mankind and implements important international initiatives in the field of global development, global security, and global civilisation. China also aims to develop the Belt and Road Initiative and calls on all countries to cooperate to overcome common challenges and achieve common prosperity.

China also aims to develop the Belt and Road Initiative. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

“We develop public diplomacy”

Just like Russia, China stands for an equal multipolar world, public and investment-oriented economic globalisation.

“This means that no country or individual dominant countries can monopolise international affairs," said Consul General Xiang Bo. “The concept does not allow the separation of countries depending on their style or status. It does not allow such ideas: whoever has the biggest fist has the last word. And that some countries should be at the table, while others can only be on the menu.

Citing these already well-known words of the US Secretary of State, he explained why it is important for future diplomats to learn the concept proposed by China. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

Citing these already well-known words of the US Secretary of State, he explained why it is important for future diplomats to learn the concept proposed by China. According to him, the PRC's initiative meets both Russia's national interests and universal values. “It solves the problems of the imbalance in development between countries in order to achieve common development, prosperity and well-being. The fact that the concept of building a community of the common destiny of mankind was first proposed in Moscow, I think it is no coincidence. In a rapidly changing international environment, China and Russia, as the world's major powers, bear significant responsibility for promoting the principles of a multipolar world and democratising international relations," he stressed.

Since Russia is chairing the BRICS Summit this year and China is chairing the SCO, Xiang Bo expressed confidence that both countries will support each other.

“We develop public diplomacy when each of us represents our country, community and values," Dilbar Sadykova stressed. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

“We develop public diplomacy, when each of us, no matter where he works or what he is interested in, always represents his country, community and values. Today, we've gathered with a large team of the Young Diplomats project to learn how to position ourselves correctly and study other countries. For us, China is the main and most interesting partner, an important partner in youth projects. We are doing our best to develop contacts with China at the youth level," said Dilbar Sadykova, the chair person of the Academy of Youth Diplomacy of the Republic of Tatarstan, who spoke next.

Future diplomats came to visit with gifts that they had made themselves. Maxim Platonov / realnoevremya.ru. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

A Chinese speaking club operates on the basis of the academy. In parallel, young people get acquainted with the culture of the Tianxia, its history and even cuisine. The future diplomats came to visit with gifts that they had made themselves: they handed over a painting with an inscription about friendship between the countries and a knitted panda toy. All participants of the meeting took a photo together as a keepsake.

All participants of the meeting took a joint photo as a keepsake. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru
Vasilya Shirshova

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