Small businesses in Tatarstan earned 210bn rubles in 2023

Small businesses in Tatarstan earned 210bn rubles in 2023
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

Director General of the Agency for Public Procurement Yakov Geller held an online conference where issues related to small and mid-sized businesses in the republic were discussed.

According to Geller, this sector of the economy earned 210 billion rubles in 2023, which is above the revenue of large Orgsintez company.

Special attention was paid to the importance of supply of quality and cheap products for successful development of small and mid-sized businesses. Yakov Geller stressed that bad-quality products should not be allowed to be purchased for public and corporate money. This has a negative impact not only on businesses but also on the economy in general.

“This year, we managed to help small businesses supply nearly 40 billion outside Tatarstan,” said Geller.

Yakov Geller noted that it is necessary to improve the process of procurement and train suppliers to enhance the quality of supplied products and services.

Anastasia Fartygina

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