More than half of tourists arrive in Tatarstan with their families

More than half of tourists arrive in Tatarstan with their families
Photo: Максим Платонов

Nowadays 52.8% of all tourists arrive in Tatarstan with their families. Chairman of the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism Sergey Ivanov said this during a live on the official page of the Tatarstan Centre for Region Administration.

“Families prevail from a perspective of organised tourist traffic,” Ivanov noted.

He added that almost all the destinations are available for families with kids.

“They all have content for children: animals, entertainment, interesting sites to eat, walk, play — one can go anywhere,” the chairman of the committee claimed.

Also, Ivanov announced new destinations for family tourism that will appear this season, including The Big Volga Path.

“This year, one can go for a walk with the family along the right riverbank of the Volga River if the children aren’t young”. Galiya Shakirova / Галия Шакирова /

“This year, one can go for a walk with the family along the right riverbank of the Volga River if the children aren’t young. The Kamskoye Ustye area has a marked area of the route one can take,” he said.

Also, it is possible to travel to neighbouring regions from Tatarstan on the river by high-speed ships.

According to some estimates of the State Committee for Tourism, the average trip price including accommodation, food and entertainment per person is 22,000 rubles.

Ivanov also noted that the average duration of tourists’ stay in the region almost doubled in the last 10 years — from 1.7 nights to 3.1 nights.

“It might seem the difference is not huge. But if we multiply the number of nights by 4 million people (Editor’s note: tourist traffic in 2023), we will see that one-tenth of the rise in the stay duration is around 4 billion rubles of additional income for our republic’s tourist industry,” Ivanov concluded.

Galiya Shakirova

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