Anomalous tradition: April forecasted to be very warm

Anomalous tradition: April forecasted to be very warm
Photo: Галия Шакирова

According to long-term forecasts, the second spring month promises to be warmer than usual. This will be the fourth anomalously warm April in a row. Docent of the Department of Meteorology, Climate Studies and Air of the Institute of Ecology and Nature Use of Kazan Federal University Timur Aukhadeyev told Realnoe Vremya.

April like May

According to the meteorologist, the first decade of the month is forecasted to be around 4 degrees above the average temperature during this period:

“The temperature will in general resemble early May… Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be extremely high, +14 degrees at daytime. I will remind you that the record — 14.8 degrees above zero — was registered in April 1983,” said Aukhadeyev.

Early April will be as warm was early May. Galiya Shakirova. Галия Шакирова /

The rising temperature will lead to faster snow melting and a higher river level.

“Small rivers have responded with a higher level for the fourth day now. As far as I’m concerned, the water level is 30-40 cm up. As for snow melting, we have lost 6cm of snow a day in the last few days. This is fast melting. Nowadays our weather stations still have about 35cm of snow, that’s to say, six days are left. I’ll remind you that there was no snow during these days last year. Now the city almost is without snow,” noted the scientist.

Meteorologists are reporting on fast snow melting in Tatarstan. Galiya Shakirova /

April snow

He also warned that “it is still early to forget night temperatures that are close to zero as well as precipitation like snow.”

“We still have some snow in April every year. It snowed even on 23 April in 2020,” the scientist reminded us.

Aukhadeyev also made a long-term summer forecast:

“July is also forecasted to be anomalously warm. If the forecast is true, it will be the fifth. July has become warmer and warmer since 2020,” the meteorologist concluded.

Galiya Shakirova

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