Kazan Federal University to deal with dysynchronosis
Vice-Rector of the Kazan Federal University Marat Safiullin announces plans for 2024

In 2024, the KFU plans to engage in chronomedicine and hopes to unite all its museums into a single cluster. Marat Safiullin, the vice-rector for economic and strategic development of the university, told about this at a joint visiting meeting of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on Education, Culture, Science, and National Issues and the expert council under the committee at the Lobachevsky Scientific Library.
The first project of the KFU is the center for pre-action chronomedicine. Now this is the most in-demand field, which, according to the university, will fundamentally improve the quality of personalised care, Safiullin stressed.
For example, the first technology that the university is interested in is the determination of the biological clock or the genetic chronotype of each individual.
“This is so that the medicine or therapy is given exactly when the body is most susceptible to assimilation," Safiullin explained. “In this case, the amount of the drug, and, accordingly, its effect, the effectiveness increases many times.”
The second topic is the technology of personalised adjustment of the internal clock, that is, the treatment of dysynchronosis. The third is the technology of using biological clocks in medicine, personalised preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures.

Uniting the museum, opening a technopark
Also this year, the KFU plans to open the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Systems Engineering. Its interests include unmanned transport systems and unmanned autonomous platforms, neurointerfaces and non-invasive systems for assisting first aid, field surgery, and outpatient rehabilitation processes; as well as collaborative robotics and expert systems, industrial automation systems.
“Now, as you know, the fourth industrial revolution is underway," Safiullin addressed the audience. “And artificial intelligence technology is one of the pillars in this transformation. Therefore, the university that does not offer its solution in some field of artificial intelligence is bad.
The KFU also plans to open competence centers of the OIC and BRICS countries. To implement two more projects, Safiullin turned to the State Council.
The first is the organisation of a single museum and exhibition cluster. The university has nine thematic museums. Now they are scattered around the city, they are not so easy to get into — you need to call, sign up for a group.
The second large-scale idea is related to that KFU, according to Safiullin, is the leader in the number of applications and winners of the federal student startup competition. Besides, a startup studio has been created on the basis of the KFU. In this regard, the vice-rector raised the issue of the need to set up the KFU technopark:
“For the further implementation of innovative ideas of students and staff, a production and technological platform is needed. Earlier, we planned to launch it on the territory of the Kazan Expo exhibition center," Safiullin recalled, continuing that the situation has changed since then. Now the university administration is once again asking to return to this idea in the Year of Scientific and Technological Development.
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