Tatarstan’s export to reach $14.8bn in the next seven years

Tatarstan’s export to reach $14.8bn in the next seven years
Photo: Platonov

Exports from Tatarstan reached $10 billion in 2023. To compare, the number was $15.6bn rubles in turbulent 2022, which is 56% higher. The republic plans to catch up with the pace in the next seven years. According to a strategy for favourable conditions to develop exports, the region will send products to other countries for $14.8 billion in 2030. Read more about the latest dynamics and the list of importers in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

How the pandemic and the special military operation affected exports

During the pandemic in 2020, exports from Tatarstan were a modest $8.7 billion, which was conditioned by a series of restrictions on shipping. It should be reminded that any port could be closed due to coronavirus, while ships had to stay idle during quarantine. Same measures were applied to inland and air cargo transport. Even though the situation started to change dramatically in 2021 when the amount surged to $12 billion. The growth of non-feedstock non-energy exports amounted to +140% alone. The number of exporters, which were small and mid-sized entrepreneurship, was 1.130.

As it is known, 2022 was life-changing, and not only for the republic but also for the whole country. However, exports made up a record-high $15.6 billion precisely then. The rise in non-feedstock exports slowed down (126% compared to the previous year), while the number of exporters among SMEs rose to 1.628 (+498). Entrepreneurship continued developing later, though slowly. Despite Western sanctions: there were already 1.640 exporters in 2023. Dyomina

The new restrictions caused by the special military operation affected the market anyway. So exports reduced to $10 billion last year.

Earlier this year, Tatarstan authorities prepared amendments to the Strategy for Favourable Conditions for Export Development through 2030. The document reads that exports will start to gradually recover in 2024 — it is assumed to rise to $11 billion. It is forecasted to be $12 billion next year and $13 billion in 2026. Some decline is expected in the future, but the amount can be $14.8 billion in 2030. As for SMEs exporting products to foreign markets, their number is to be 1.710.

Tatarstan divided into CIS members, Asia and Africa

Before 2022, Tatarstan exported products to the USA, Argentina, Mexico and other countries that are now considered unfriendly. They were also part of the strategy as promising destinations. As Realnoe Vremya was told in the republic’s Ministry of Industry and Trade, the list of potential territories changed. In particular, it is members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, South Asia, East Asia, the Near East and Africa.

Maxim Kokunin

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