17k graduates to take Unified State Exam in Tatarstan this year: what awaits them on the exam

State Exam in numbers

In 2024, about 17 thousand graduates will take the Unified State Exam in Tatarstan, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the republic told Realnoe Vremya. As explained in the department, the exact figures will be known by the end of January.

For comparison, in 2023, 16.5 thousand people passed the State Final certification, and in 2022 — 17,420 graduates. The schedule has already been determined: those students who choose geography, literature, or chemistry will be the first to take exams as part of the main wave. For them, the examination period begins on May 23.

The most popular exams — in Russian and Mathematics — are held on May 28 and 31, respectively. Graduates who take the exam in a foreign language will close the main period of the Unified State Exam. The oral part of the subject is scheduled for June 17 and 18. Reserve dates have been set from June 20 to July 1.

By the results of last year, Computer Science and Social Studies exams became the fastest growing. The first exam was chosen by 3,289 eleventh graders, the second — by 5,986. In general, the number of graduates taking “technical” subjects in Tatarstan is decreasing.

How the Unified State Exam is taken in Tatarstan

The results of the previous year showed that graduates from Kazan and the whole of Tatarstan successfully pass the Unified State Exam. The results of graduates of 11th grades of schools in the capital of the republic turned out to be higher than the nationwide ones, but on average there was a negative trend in Tatarstan.

Thus, the average score in the Russian language in the republic decreased by 0.81 points, but even this did not prevent it from being higher than the all-Russian indicator. Gap in favour of Tatarstan exceeded 3.5 points

Realnoe Vremya/Maxim Platonov

According to the results of 2023, the number of graduates who scored 200 points in two exams has also decreased in the republic. Only eight eleventh graders achieved such results, almost half as many as in 2022 (14 people). But there were 180 100-point students in Tatarstan. Half of them are graduates from Kazan.

Kazan graduates received the largest number of hundred-point results in literature and the Russian language — 31 and 23, respectively. One person scored the highest score on the Unified State Exam in Biology and Geography.

Innovations in the Unified State Exam

Last year marked a large number of innovations in the Unified State Exam. Thus, the structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian has changed, the complexity of some tasks in this subject and the number of primary points for some questions have changed. Many other items have also undergone various changes.

Although there are no plans to reform the Unified State Exam in Russia in 2024, various changes to the exam structure continue to be made, even despite criticism of the certification model itself from graduates and deputies of the State Duma.

Realnoe Vremya

One of the pleasant innovations, for example, is additional points to the exam results for gold or silver medals. The Unified State Exam in Physics may be a little easier, because the number of tasks in it has decreased from 30 to 26.

Besides, it is planned to introduce the most relevant achievements in the field of IT into the Unified State Exam. It is planned to check the absence of violations on the exam using a neural network. It will not be allowed to make a verdict, the final decision will still be left to a human.

Among the main innovations, there are the following:

  • no later than two weeks before the exam, it will be possible to change the choice from basic mathematics to specialised and vice versa, and for graduates of previous years — to change and supplement the list of selected subjects;
  • tasks for determining azimuth and building a profile were excluded from the Unified State Exam in geography — they were transferred to the OGE;
  • graduates of previous years will not have the opportunity to take the exam ahead of schedule;
  • A task on the ability to work with vectors has been added to the profile mathematics;
  • in the Physics exam, in tasks No. 21 and No. 23, graduates will meet only questions on molecular physics or electrodynamics, and in task No. 25, they will face a computational task on electrodynamics;
  • Some tasks of the Unified State Exam in History include questions on the special military operation and the events of recent years, and more emphasis is placed on the Great Patriotic War.

In the future, there will also be an expansion of the list of subjects available to take. Rosobrnadzor said that they received proposals to include Arabic in the school curriculum and in the Unified State Exam. Already now, graduates can choose to take five foreign languages, although only one of them is “oriental” — Chinese.

Artem Gafarov

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