‘Health crippled on the road cannot be returned’: number of road accidents increases in Tatarstan

‘Health crippled on the road cannot be returned’: number of road accidents increases in Tatarstan
Photo: a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru from youtube.com

“It is gratifying that there is a decrease in the number of dead and injured in the republic," commented Rustem Garipov, police colonel, head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, on the results of January-October 2023 on the roads of Tatarstan. But despite this positive trend, the number of road accidents in the region has increased, including those involving children.

Almost half of Tatarstan citizens on the roads were killed in collisions

“The problem of road traffic injuries is as always relevant, especially in the autumn, pre-winter period of the year," said Rustem Garipov, noting that the forecast indicators of the national project “Safe high-quality roads” have not been exceeded — the bar for those killed on highways in Tatarstan is set at 255 people.

In figures, the situation on the roads of Tatarstan, according to the traffic police, for January-October 2023 was as follows:

  • 2,827 accidents were registered — by 19 more than in the first ten months of last year;
  • 233 people died in road accidents from January to October 2023 — by 24 less than in the corresponding period of 2022;
  • 3,368 citizens received various injuries in road accidents — by 77 less than in January-October last year.
realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

The main share of deaths on the roads of Tatarstan falls on such collisions — 44%, hitting pedestrians — 28%, wandering off the road — 8%. 5% each accounted for collisions with cyclists and obstacles.

For example, in accidents related to moving into the oncoming lane — 218 of them were recorded — 71 people died in the region in ten months, 345 more citizens were injured. The number of victims decreased by 20, the victims — by 127.

“When a driver gets caught [driving a car], being deprived of his license for driving into the oncoming lane, he or she is subject to criminal prosecution. Such facts already exist in the republic. In addition, liability has been established for persons who already have a criminal record under this article. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to 2 years, for the second part — up to three years. We are talking about punishing the driver, but we probably should also talk about what a tragedy is happening because of driving into oncoming traffic. We say that up to three years of imprisonment — yes, they will be in prison for three years, they will be released from prison, but those lives, the health that is crippled on the roads due to going into oncoming traffic, will not be returned," Rustem Garipov said, noting that if a motorist gets an “F” on the road — this assessment can no longer be corrected.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

The number of accidents caused by drivers with less than two years of experience has increased in Tatarstan. 195 such accidents were registered on the roads in ten months — seven more than in January-October last year. 20 people died in them, 247 were injured.

“This is not a denunciation, but a life-saving”

One of the main causes of accidents on the roads of Tatarstan is the management of transport in a state of intoxication or with its signs. In January-October 2023, 177 road accidents occurred due to the fault of such drivers, in which 28 people were killed, and 205 citizens received various injuries.

The number of accidents caused by intoxicated drivers on the roads of Tatarstan decreased by 56 compared to the same period in 2022. The death toll decreased by 56 people, the injured — by 96.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

“The problem remains. Unfortunately, we cannot bring this figure to zero," Rustem Garipov drew attention, calling on Tatarstan residents to help the traffic police with its solution and inform about those who get behind the wheel after drinking alcoholic beverages.

He said that in January-October 2023, traffic police officers suppressed 11,165 facts of driving by drivers with signs of intoxication. 911 criminal cases were opened against motorists for repeated driving in such state. The maximum penalty under the Criminal Code of Russia is imprisonment for up to 2-3 years.

Rustem Garipov drew attention to that the country's legislation also provides for the confiscation of vehicles belonging to persons found guilty under Article 264 of the Criminal Code (violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles). To date, such motorists have lost 195 cars in Tatarstan.

“We have repeatedly said that it is necessary to write about it, probably, to talk about it in all instances. I have said more than once that in no case should society perceive this as snitching, denunciation. If one sees a drunk driver — it is necessary to report it immediately. Again, this is not a denunciation, but a life-saving," said the head of the Department of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan.

Pedestrians of Tatarstan have become less likely to cause an accident

The most vulnerable category on the roads of Tatarstan are pedestrians. Due to their fault, the number of road accidents has decreased — 283 registered them in ten months of this year, which is by 16 less than in January-October last year.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

In total, 803 accidents were recorded with the participation of pedestrians on the roads of the republic for ten months of 2023. This is by six more accidents than in the same period last year.

56 pedestrians were killed in ten months, of which 41 were in accidents that occurred due to their own fault. The number of victims decreased by 10 and 8 people, respectively, compared to the same period last year.

765 pedestrians were injured in accidents in the ten months of 2023, which is by 8 more people than in the same period last year. In particular, 246 Tatarstan citizens were injured in an accident caused by their fault. This is by 14 fewer people than in January-October last year.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

“I emphasise once again: it is necessary to make sure that the car stops and passes, especially in winter, the car will not always be able to stand rooted to the spot in front of a pedestrian crossing," Rustem Garipov gave instructions to pedestrians.

5 children died on roads in October

The state of children's road traffic injuries is of particular concern in the Department of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan. In January-October 2023, 389 accidents were registered in the republic with the participation of citizens under the age of 16, which is by 25 more than in the same period last year.

"16 children were killed and 403 children were injured. As we can see, the growth of all indicators: road accidents, deaths [+5], and wounded [+18]," Rustem Garipov said.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

According to him, in October 2023 alone, five children died on the roads of Tatarstan. Accidents occurred in Kazan, Zelenodolsk, Yelabuga district, Nizhnekamsk district, and Mendeleevsk district.

“Almost 40% of all traffic accidents involving children are caused by child passengers. 144 road accidents were registered with their participation, in which 11 children were killed and 156 were injured," Rustem Garipov said, drawing attention to that in most of these cases the parents of minors are to blame, who “did not do everything possible to preserve the life and health of the child”.

He drew attention to that car seats in cars are necessary. Children must be transported in them fastened. He called on parents to be an example for children in terms of compliance with traffic rules.

Tatyana Demina

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