Summer events in parks and squares of Kazan visited by more than 1m people for the first time

Summer events in parks and squares of Kazan visited by more than 1m people for the first time
Photo: Fatykhov (archive)

1,016,480 people have attended summer events in public spaces of Kazan in 2023. The head of the Directorate of Parks and Squares of the city, Aygul Latypova, told about this at Business Monday.

"1,245 free events were held in the parks, and for the first time we crossed the mark of more than 1 million visitors to these events," she said.

The slides to the report indicate that during the summer season of last year 520 events were held in parks and squares of Kazan. They were visited by 480 thousand people. Fatykhov (archive)

Aygul Latypova also said that during the summer season of 2023, five new public spaces appeared in Kazan. Among them — the bike-walking route along the Kremlin Dam, opened on Republic and City Day, as well as a park in the residential complex Light Valley, where an event programme is going to be launched in winter.

Let us remind that 1,445 billion rubles have been invested in the improvement of public spaces in Kazan in 2023. Eight projects have been implemented, six of them under the federal project “Formation of modern urban environment”.

Tatyana Demina

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