Bronze medals and tan: TAIF-NK team finishes third at Hero Race

On 29 July, Sviyaga Hills resort town became a site of an exciting sporting event — Hero Race with more than 2,000 competitors

Bronze medals and tan: TAIF-NK team finishes third at Hero Race
Photo: Dinar Fatykhov/

On 29 July, Sviyaga Hills resort town became a site of an exciting sporting event — Hero Race. It is obstacle running and tough endurance trials with more than 2,000 competitors. One of Hero Race leaders — TAIF-NK teams — have been competing in a corporate team run for many years now. Read in Realnoe Vremya’s report about the race, what hardships athletes had to face and the power of will.

“The fervent hot weather and the sun are our main rivals”

One of the largest extreme sport events — Hero Race — took place at Sviyaga Hills popular resort last Saturday. Over 2,000 competitors from different cities of Russia arrived in Tatarstan to test themselves. A 10-km track with 31 strength and endurance obstacles awaited the race participants. The obstacles were deliberately designed by professional engineers and athletes — with ditches filled with water, monkey bars and bridges, tyre and hill tunnels one had to climb by using the strength of arms.

Both decorated athletes as well as freshmen who decided to prove themselves and their families that heroes aren’t born participated in the race. The programme included individual, team, mass and corporate heats. One of the leaders of the run — representatives of TAIF-NK — were among 56 companies for many years. The team fielded two platoons at once for the race.

The programme included individual, team, mass and corporate heats. Dinar Fatykhov/

Even though the corporate competition was scheduled for midday, the lads from TAIF-NK came in advance. They weren’t scared by either the exhausting hot weather or the strong scorching wind. The TAIF-NK athletes slowly warmed up and discussed the running strategy listening to Volga-Volga music band.

“I have competed for the fourth time. The first time was here, on Sviyaga Hills. I participated in races in Mendeleyevsk and Samara where we finished first among 55 team. I think we will perform decently here. Strong teams will compete with us, but I am sure of my team,” first patroon captain, operator of Shop No. 1 of the oil refinery of TAIF-NK Ruslan Faizov shared with Realnoe Vremya.

According to Ruslan, he knew about the race for the first time accidentally — saw an ad somewhere and was interested. He offered his colleagues and manager to participate in Hero Race and those agreed with joy.

“The TAIF-NK management immediately met us halfway after hearing my proposal. They supported, helped, organised everything. While we, in turn, try not to lose our faces and perform decently for the company,” Ruslan Faizov said with a smile.

Talking about the hardships that can arise on the track, Ruslan singled out the hot weather. The temperature reached +37 on competition day and this could become the main and the most difficult obstacle on the way to victory.

“This time there are more obstacles. There were 26 stages in Samara, here there are 31. And the track is 1.5 km longer. But we prepared well, there shouldn’t be problems. Now the weather, the fervent heat and scorching sun concern the most. These our key rivals,” Ruslan Faizov joked.

The fervent weather and the scorching sun were the main difficult the lads faced. Dinar Fatykhov/

Our victory is the result of work of whole TAIF-NK team

Little time left before the start of the competition of corporate team and both platoons headed for the start line. They had to be one of the first to run, which, according to Ruslan Faizov, somehow made things easier.

“We have an early competition, we will run as leaders. It is easier,” Ruslan said before the start and went towards the team.

“Easy, ready, go!” the host shouted, and the first platoon of TAIF-NK went to the obstacle track. The second team didn’t fall behind — they were next to compete.

Both teams successfully completed all water and mud obstacles, crawled under a net, bravely jumped from high springboards and went through car tyres. Dinar Fatykhov/

The lads had over 30 tough trials ahead — ditches filled with water, a tower they had to jump into a swimming pool from, monkey walls, double rotation, a wave and many other things. The lads coped with the obstacles resting only on the strength of their arms — it is prohibited to touch land according to the run rules. Both teams successfully completed all water and mud obstacles, crawled under a net, bravely jumped from high springboards and went through car tyres.

An 8-meter Everest hill they had to climb with the help of a rope was the last trial. But this wasn’t a barrier to the way to victory either.

The first platoon had less than 1.5 hours to complete the run. They were dirty, wet, tired but absolutely happy, the whole team ran to the finishing line.

The first platoon had less than 1.5 hours to complete the run. courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for

“The track is very interesting, there are a lot of new and tough trials, but we have coped with everything. It is good there have been water sites — we could cool down a bit,” said competitor of the first team, electric installer of Shop No. 7 of the Heavy Residues High Conversion Complex at TAIF-NK JSC Andrey Kembel said after recovering his breath.

Talking about the difficulties of the run, the captain of the first platoon noted once again that the hot weather, the scorching sun and a tough road were the main troubles.

“The track we run on wasn’t even, there were bumps. We had to mind out steps not to get injured. This got us out of step but hopefully we showed good results,” the captain of the first platoon shared.

The second platoon of TAIF-NK appeared on the finishing line 25 minutes later. The tired but smiling and proud lads joyfully shared impressions of the race.

It became known by the evening the first platoon became a bronze medallist of Hero Race, while the second platoon finished seventh among 56 teams. Ad of TAIF-NK JSC Dinar Fatykhov/

“I am competing for the first time and it has been quite tough for me. All my hands are full of callosities but it is worthy of it! Yes, it was scary but I did it. Many thanks to TAIF-NK for the support, the opportunity to try our hand. I will certainly run again next time if there is a chance,” said member of the second platoon, shift manager of the laboratory of the Heavy Residues High Conversion Complex of TAIF-NK Venera Khanafiyeva with a smile.

The race just ended but the lads already plan to compete in the next run that is going to be held in Mendeleyevsk. They have less than a month to examine the track and prepare. And of course, to show the best results. It became known by the evening the first platoon became a bronze medallist of Hero Race, while the second platoon finished seventh among 56 teams.

“I think our victory is a result of the whole team of TAIF-NK. Also, we managed to outrun our main rivals. We will try to win the first place in the next race,” first patroon captain, operator of Shop No. 1 of the oil refinery of TAIF-NK Ruslan Faizov noted.

Polina Shevchuk

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