‘A sad daily routine: number of cameras offered to increase in Kazan due to ‘park vandalism’

‘A sad daily routine: number of cameras offered to increase in Kazan due to ‘park vandalism’
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov (archive)

At a Business Monday meeting, Mayor of the city Ilsur Metshin offered to increase the number of cameras in public places. This is how he reacted to acts of vandalism on their territories.

Vice director of beautification affairs of the Kazan Executive Committee Igor Kulyazhev paid attention to “park vandalism” in his report. He said that unidentified people covered benches with drawings in a new public space that hasn’t yet been delivered — a bicycle and pedestrian route along the Kremlin Embankment.

“Unfortunately, this year, it has especially been noticeable in public spaces of the city. Property damage and robbery take place regularly and become a sad daily routine. Doors have been broken and equipment has been destroyed in public toilets in the last week. Circulating benches were installed on the bicycle and pedestrian route along the Kremlin Embankment where one can enjoy the panoramic views of the city. Graffiti appeared there on the first night. When they were removed, hooligans drew then again on the same day,” Igor Kulyazhev reported.

Ilsur Metshin heard the report out and claimed that public property was damaged because Kazan citizens’ taxes are also used for beautification works. He offered to increase the number of cameras where acts of vandalism happen most of the time.

“Unfortunately, police doesn’t help us here. They think this is out of their expertise. Let’s increase the number of cameras and turn to not indifferent citizens. Perhaps, police will consider dealing with this issue necessary,” the mayor said.

It should be reminded that a young man broke several decorative lamps and a nagivation stand at Festival Boulevard in Kazan this spring. Similar accidents had taken place in the city too.

Tatiana Dyomina

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