Drone attack on Moscow, State Exam in Mathematics, new films: what Tatarstan residents google in last 7 days

The analytical service of Realnoe Vremya have studied search queries from Tatarstan

Drone attack on Moscow, State Exam in Mathematics, new films: what Tatarstan residents google in last 7 days
Photo: Realnoe Vremya's collage/realnoevremya.com

The main topic of the past seven days for Tatarstan residents was the attack of Ukrainian drones on Moscow and Moscow Oblast, which occurred on Tuesday, May 30. This incident was the second terrorist act of the Kyiv regime aimed at the capital of Russia. However, this event turned out to be not the only truly exciting event for the residents of the republic, since this week the Unified State Exam (USE) in Mathematics has been held. Also, in the rating of popular queries, there were traditionally new films, which rounded out the first top three. What else is of interest to Tatarstan citizens and what queries on the Internet turned out to be the most popular — in the review of the analytical service of Realnoe Vremya.

With the rains, Tatarstan residents became actively interested in the precipitation map

The queries of the Google search service in Tatarstan over the past 7 days have been analysed. The table below shows the most popular, trending web search queries. Ranked by the increase in popularity or increase in interest in relation to the previous period (the previous 7 days).


Drones in Moscow expectedly take the first place in the rating of the most popular requests from Tatarstan residents. On the morning of May 30, the AFU drones hit two residential buildings in the capital: one on Profsoyuznaya Street, the other — on Atlasov Street in New Moscow. There are no casualties. This case was the second in the past month — on the night of May 2 to May 3, Ukraine tried to strike at the Kremlin — two drones were aimed at it.

This Tuesday, the mayor of the city, Sergey Sobyanin, said that “for safety reasons, during the work of emergency services, measures were taken to evacuate residents of several entrances in two houses affected by the hit of UAVs.” In turn, the Investigative Committee of Russia launched an investigation, and the prosecutor's offices of Moscow and Moscow Region took control of it.

On the same day, the Main Investigative Department of the IC of Russia, at the instruction of the chairman of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case on a terrorist attack (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The Russian Defense Ministry indicated that the Kyiv regime carried out a terrorist attack by eight UAVs, but all of them were hit. At the same time, the press secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, said that the attack was the response of the Kyiv regime to effective strikes by Russian troops on one of the decision-making centres. The head of the state, Vladimir Putin, himself said that the city's air defense system worked normally, but there is still something to work on.

As for the second place in the rating, the Unified State Exam in Mathematics of the basic and profile levels this year was held on June 2. This subject is one of the most important and difficult in the school curriculum, respectively, there is a great interest in it. Also, residents of the republic were interested in the release of the new part of the film Guardians of the Galaxy, by the way, the previous part was released in 2017. A little less interest was aroused by the new Fast and the Furious. At the same time, citizens searched a precipitation map — this week the weather in Tatarstan deteriorated sharply and it rained almost every day. Another popular event was Border Guard Day, which was celebrated last Sunday.

Almetyevsk was not interested in The Fast and the Furious but was excited about Day of the Border Guard

The data were also considered for the largest cities of Tatarstan — Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, and Almetyevsk. The numerical value here is arranged on a 100-point scale, that is, the largest relative indicator is assigned 100 points, then descending.


As for the rating by cities, the attack on Moscow did not leave a single resident of the republic indifferent. At the same time, the Unified State Exam in Mathematics, which is also one of the largest leaders in popularity growth, scored the most points in Kazan, and in other cities it was almost at the same level — two or three times less. The release of The Guardians of the Galaxy aroused the least interest in Nizhnekamsk and most of all, which was expected, in the capital of Tatarstan. As for the weather, Kazan and Nizhnekamsk residents were most interested in it. An interesting fact is that the residents of the oil capital of the republic were the only ones who did not show interest in The Fast and the Furious at all. However, Almetyevsk was more interested in Day of the Border Guard than others.

A clip of a famous Russian streamer took the lead on YouTube in Tatarstan

According to the principle of the first table (ranked by the increase in popularity or increase in interest in relation to the past period), what is trending among Tatarstan residents on YouTube is given:


The first place in terms of popularity growth on the YouTube video hosting was taken by a clip for a song by a popular streamer under the pseudonym Buster — Bebra 2. In the second place — two search queries at once — these are the viral shorts with a red panda and a review of the new computer game Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. In the third place, as a week ago, it is the Russian TV series Love! Peace! Understanding!

Syumbel Gubaydullina, Maksim Kokunin

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