‘Our society and our country really need such people’

20 cadets have graduated from the Tatarstan Cadet Corps this year

‘Our society and our country really need such people’
Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The last bell rang for 20 pupils of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps. The cadets of the 7th platoon have school general education disciplines, hundreds of hours of drill and other classes related to military craft behind. The solemn event on the parade ground of the educational institution, established almost 20 years ago in Nizhnekamsk, was attended not only by cadets, teaching staff, and parents of graduates, as well as honourary guests — Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Tatarstan Viktor Demidov, head of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District Ramil Mullin, and Maksim Novikov, the CEO of TAIF-NK, which has patronised the cadet corps for many years.

They came as children — they come out as real men

The white dress uniform, strict bearing, and slender ranks of cadets have been the main attribute of the celebration dedicated to the graduation of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps for 16 years. This year, 20 cadets are leaving the walls of the educational institution established in Nizhnekamsk at the end of 2003, of which 19 decided to continue their studies in the military direction. Many of the cadets of the 7th platoon came here as children, and they come out as real men.

White dress uniform, strict bearing, and slender ranks of cadets have been the main attribute of the celebration dedicated to the graduation of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps for 16 years. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

Konstantin Dik is a graduate with the rank of corporal today, and two years ago, after graduating from the 9th grade, he came to Nizhnekamsk from Orenburg Oblast to become a cadet of the cadet corps — it was his conscious choice. As Konstantin recognised, that day caused mixed feelings of him — this is both excitement and the realisation that he has become quite an adult: “Today I clearly understand that a certain stage of my life has already been passed — a new, more responsible and difficult one awaits ahead, which you need to be ready for.

But I am sure that all of us who graduate this year from this cadet corps will cope with everything that fate will give us. Our teachers and educators have laid a strong foundation for this here.

Konstantin Dik is a graduate with the rank of corporal today, and two years ago, after graduating from the 9th grade, he came to Nizhnekamsk from Orenburg Oblast to become a cadet of the cadet corps. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The graduate plans to continue following the military path — to become a student of the Kurgan Border Guard Institute, it remains to pass the final exams. There are three sons in the Dik family, and two of them chose a military mission for themselves. The parents of the boys came to Nizhnekamsk for the celebration on the occasion of graduation. “Kostya has been fond of sports since childhood, he has always been purposeful, his decision to link his life with the military sphere was amicably supported by us.

And looking at him, infected by the example, the youngest son also enrolled there — last year Herman also became a cadet, this year he is graduating from the fifth grade of the Nizhnekamsk cadet institution," Ramil Dik tells with a sense of pride for his sons.

“Each of our graduating classes is unique. These are children with whom you go through a certain path, who become part of your life for a while. These are children who have grown up before your eyes, becoming such wonderful young men, you admire them and understand that, yes, they will only go forward, they will not let you down and will succeed in life. Our society, our country really need such people," the director of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps named after the Hero of the Soviet Union G. Safiullin, Irina Plaksina, emphasised.

Director of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps Irina Plaksina emphasised that such people are very necessary for our society. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The last bell in the Tatarstan Cadet Corps takes place every year according to the traditions that have developed here: the solemn trooping the banners to the parade ground and the parade march of graduates — everything is beautiful, decorous, and strictly military. But still there were tears in the eyes not only of the parents, but also of the young men themselves, who hid them. The farewell waltz with the teachers caused special emotions among all the guests. And the dance flash mob, with which the graduate cadets performed, showed that they have not only military bearing and discipline, but also outstanding creative talents.

The dance flash mob, with which the graduate cadets performed, showed that they have not only military bearing and discipline, but also outstanding creative talents. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

The dance surprised and caused loud applause from everyone who came to the celebration. “The movements were invented by themselves, without teachers, rehearsed after lessons, mounted music, added their own chips," the participants told after the event.

“Wish for perseverance and pure male obstinacy”

By tradition, not only the parents of the cadets, but also the guests of honour were invited to the last call. Chief Federal Inspector of Tatarstan Viktor Demidov, Mayor of Nizhnekamsk and head of the district Ramil Mullin, Director General of TAIF-NK JSC Maksim Novikov, deputies of the City Council, and other guests of honour came to congratulate the young men who chose the path of service to the Motherland. On behalf of the plenipotentiary of the Russian President in the Volga Federal District, the graduates of the cadet corps were congratulated by Chief Federal Inspector for Tatarstan Viktor Demidov.

In turn, the mayor of the city, Ramil Mullin, noted that this was a significant day for everyone who came to the event, but first of all for those, who graduate from the Tatarstan Cadet Corps: “I am glad that you have gone through this school of courage, the school of discipline, the school that will give you a great path in life.

You are the ones who are an example for many of us. I would like to wish you one thing — set yourself only big goals and objectives and achieve them. I am sure that the knowledge and skills that you have gained here will help you in the future of your life.

Mullin particularly noted a number of distinguished cadets who became prize-winners and winners of Olympiads and sports competitions of various levels, presenting them with certificates of awarding the award of the head of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District. Irina Plaksina, the director of the cadet corps, was also awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the NMD.

Memorable gifts for graduates were traditionally prepared by TAIF-NK company patronising the Tatarstan cadet corps. Its CEO Maksim Novikov knows firsthand what it means to be a military man — having experience of service in the Airborne Forces, being a paratrooper in reserve. He congratulated the cadets on graduation on behalf of TAIF Group, and each of the graduates received memorable gifts.

Memorable gifts for graduates were traditionally prepared by TAIF-NK company patronising the Tatarstan cadet corps. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“I am very proud that today I see in front of me those guys who have chosen a worthy and difficult path in our spoiled time. Knowing what a military bearing is, I would like to wish fortitude, patience, strength and purely masculine obstinacy in your business!” Director General of TAIF-NK JSC Maksim Novikov sincerely wished.

After the congratulations, another cadet tradition: the guests of honour presented 20 cadets with graduation medals.

After congratulations, another cadet tradition: honoured guests presented 20 cadets with alumni medals. Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru

“Our chefs are always there”

The 2022-23 academic year has become a special one for the cadet corps in Nizhnekamsk. Many of its students, and there are more than 250 of them here, including current graduates, have won awards defending the honour of their educational institution at olympiads, in sports and other competitions of various levels. One of the recent achievements is the third team place in the International Rocket Modeling Tournament, which was held in the city of Korolev. “All these high results could not have been achieved without the support of our chiefs and partners.

They are always there, helping us to solve various issues and to provide the educational process with material and technical means. For example, six months ago, TAIF-NK gave us 40 modern laptops, with the help of our chefs we get the opportunity to encourage our best cadets, they annually give all students New Year's gifts. It is important for every child to have holidays as a child, and these holidays are created by this Nizhnekamsk enterprise — our dear chefs — with special respect about the role of the company-boss and the full support that TAIF-NK provides them, said Irina Plaksina, the director of the cadet corps. “We are glad to participate in the education of such wonderful guys, who are trained by our cadet corps.

Today I remembered how I marched my three parades while on military conscription. I like this special environment, the atmosphere that reigns in the cadet corps. I think the young men who are finishing their studies here this year will continue to carry the title of cadet of the Tatarstan Corps with pride. “They are not only excellent students — many of the current graduates have excellent grades, but also do sports, hand-to-hand combat, taekwondo, know the approach to the basics of life safety, occupational safety, and many other different areas where they have shown themselves worthily, well done — this is our future generation," Director General of TAIF-NK Maksim Novikov said in an interview with Realnoe Vremya.

Photo: courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru. Ad of TAIF-NK JSC

By the way, Russian cadets have many official traditions that have been developing for many years. One of them is strictly honoured in the Tatarstan corps. It became the finale of the solemn last call. After the last bell rang, it was time for the graduates to say goodbye to the banner of the cadet corps — taking off their caps decorated with a cockade, they together knelt down on their right knee before the banner and froze for a minute, thereby honouring not only the banner of their corps, but also a tribute to all those who sacrificed their lives defending the Motherland. This was followed by the last solemn march in the role of cadets on the parade ground in front of students and guests of the solemn ceremony. Approaching the edge of the parade ground, the former cadets threw five-ruble coins into the air. They say that a rain of money leads to further brilliant successes.

Angelina Panchenko. Photo courtesy of TAIF-NK JSC

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