Kazan authorities approve tourism development programme for 2023-2027

Kazan authorities approve tourism development programme for 2023-2027
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

The Executive Committee of the capital of Tatarstan has approved the municipal programme “Tourism development in Kazan” for 2023-2027. Its goal is to increase the competitiveness of the tourist complex of the city.

They intend to spend 299,2 million rubles on the implementation of the programme. Of these, 84,5 million will be allocated from the budget of Kazan, and the remaining 217,7 million are planned to be attracted from extra-budgetary funds.

For 2023, Kazan will allocate 18,5 million for the tourism development programme. In 2024-2027, the amount of funding will amount to 16,5 million rubles annually.

From extra-budgetary funds, this year they intend to attract 30 million rubles for the programme, next year — 42,1 million. In 2025, the amount should be 59 million, in 2026 — 41,6 million, and in 2027 — 45 million.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

The objectives of the programme include increasing the volume and variety of tourist services provided, increasing the recognition of Kazan in the Russian and international tourist markets. Also, with its help, they intend to create conditions for improving the tourist infrastructure of the city.

By 2027, thanks to the implementation of the programme, the authorities want to increase the tourist and excursion flow to Kazan to 5 million people per year, the average annual occupancy in hotels — by 10%, the number of returning tourists — up to 70%, and the number of hospitality workers — by 25%.

During the implementation of the programme, new excursion routes, tourist programmes for the Kazan agglomeration, products within the framework of the development of children's tourism will be developed. Kazan will also participate in international tourism exhibitions, organise road shows in the CIS countries and the Middle East, implement the Kazan Bus project in other cities, and so on.

Let us remind that Kazan is among the most popular destinations among tourists. Last year, 3,6 million people visited it — by 20% more than in 2021. The utilisation of accommodation facilities averaged 62,5%.

Tatyana Demina

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