More used, less domestic: new trends in car market of Tatarstan

More used, less domestic: new trends in car market of Tatarstan
Photo: Khasaev

In the first quarter of this year, residents of Tatarstan purchased more than 33,8 thousand used cars, which is by 22,5% higher than in the same period last year. At that time, 27,6 thousand used cars were bought in the republic, the analytical agency Autostat told Realnoe Vremya. The most popular car brand this year among residents of the region is Kia Rio, whose figures for this period has increased by 23,4%. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

In the first quarter, Kia Rio was the most popular among Tatarstan residents

In the first quarter of 2023, Tatarstan residents purchased more than 1,2 thousand cars of the South Korean brand. As for last year, then the number of used Kia Rio cars purchased was only 1 thousand.

The second place in the rating is occupied by the domestic car industry, namely Lada 2114 Samara 2, but despite the leadership positions, residents of Tatarstan have become less likely to buy such car (-6,8%) — 1,1 thousand against 1,2 thousand cars in 2022. Another “Korean” — Hyundai Solaris — rounds out the top 3. Its sales in the first quarter increased by 17,1% — a little more than 1 thousand against 863 cars.

Lada 2190 Granta Sedan was purchased a little less in the republic. This brand is the fourth, and its sales growth, compared to 2022, amounted to 3,5%. For example, in the first quarter of this year, 797 cars were purchased. Last year's value differs slightly — 770 cars. Even less, though with the most significant growth of 28,4%, Tatarstan residents bought Volkswagen Polo. In the first quarter of 2023, 701 such cars were purchased, and in 2022 — 546.

Photo: Khasaev

In March of this year, residents of Tatarstan bought more than 13 thousand used cars

As for the March values only, more than 13,2 thousand used cars were bought in Tatarstan this month. This number increased by 32,2% compared to last year, when 10 thousand such cars were purchased.

The leader of this rating is also Kia Rio, whose sales increased by 24%. This year, the residents of the republic bought 480 cars, and last year — 387. Lada 2114 Samara 2 is also the second with a slight drop of 1,4%. In March of this year, 436 cars of this brand were purchased, while in 2022 — 442. Hyundai Solaris rounds out the top three with sales growth of 10,2%. Last month, Tatarstan residents bought 378 such cars, and in the same period last year — 343.

Lada 2190 Granta Sedan is still the fourth in the March rating. Residents of the region purchased 310 such cars in March of this year, and sales growth increased by 12,7%. For comparison: in 2022, Tatarstan residents bought 275 such cars. The last car in the top 5 is Volkswagen Polo with an increase of 38,1%. Last month, Tatarstan residents purchased 272 cars, and in March 2022 — 197.

Photo: (archive)

In Russia, the sales of used cars have increased by 17,3%

In general, 497,6 thousand used cars were purchased in Russia in the first month of spring, which is by 17,3% more than in March 2022. Exactly half of this amount is accounted for by five brands. The leader among them is the domestic Lada, whose share was about 22% — 108 thousand cars. It is worth noting that this is by 9% higher than a year ago.

The second place in the ranking is occupied by Japanese Toyota, whose figure reached 58,5 thousand units (+18,7%). Next are Korean automakers — Kia (28 thousand cars; +23,1%) and Hyundai (27,6 thousand cars; +18,3%). Japanese Nissan rounds out the top, the volume of which also increased (+15,8%, to 26,1 thousand cars).

According to analysts, all brands included in the top ten by the end of March 2023, demonstrate positive dynamics. Moreover, eight of them have double-digit growth. It is most noticeable in Japanese Honda (+40%), less than 10% in domestic Lada (+9%) and French Renault (+8,6%).

Photo: Khasaev

Russians have become less likely to buy used Russian cars

Speaking about the first quarter of this year, it is worth noting that during this period, Russians purchased more than 1,2 million used cars. This is by 10% more than in January-March 2022. Mostly brands are showing growth, but two models — Lada 2170 and Lada 4x4 — showing a drop of around 3%.

The most popular model among used cars last month was Ford Focus, whose sales volume amounted to 10,6 thousand cars (+29,9%). Lada 2114 is the second — 10,3 thousand cars (+9%). It is followed by Kia Rio (9,8 thousand; +9,8%) and Hyundai Solaris (9,6 thousand; +9,2%). The last place is occupied by Toyota Corolla (8,7 thousand; +19%).

It is worth noting that in this rating there are also cars showing double-digit growth: Toyota Camry and Toyota Corolla (+26,1% and +19%, respectively). At the same time, the least positive dynamics is registered for Lada 4x4 (+6,6%).

Photo: (archive)
Maksim Kokunin

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