Tatarstan’s utility infrastructure renovation programme for 4.3bn rubles approved

Tatarstan’s utility infrastructure renovation programme for 4.3bn rubles approved
Photo: Tikhonov

At a panel meeting of the governmental commission for regional development, Tatarstan’s utility infrastructure renovation programme was approved. Its funding from the federal budget will be 4.3 billion rubles, said Russian Vice Minister Marat Khusnullin.

Also, regional utility infrastructure renovation programmes of Moscow and Tver oblasts were approved. Their financing is assessed at 12.9 billion and 973 million rubles respectively.

According to Marat Khusnullin, a total of 1,591 km of water and heat supply networks will be renovated in Tatarstan, Moscow and Tver oblasts. This will allow improving the quality of utility services for 1.7 million citizens.

Photo: Fatykhov (archive)

Realnoe Vremya sent a request to the Ministry of Construction asking for the content of the programme. The reply will be published as soon as it is received.

In November 2022, Marat Khusnullin claimed that to solve housing and utility problems, authorities should take “new extraordinary measures” that were to stop the deterioration of utility services. He indicated that over 40% of utility networks in Russia needed to be replaced.

An integrated utility renovation programme in Russia for five years with an outlook until 2030 will require at least 4.6 trillion rubles. Over 7,000 facilities of engineering and utility infrastructure as well as more than 260,000km of networks are going to be renovated with sufficient funding.

Tatiana Dyomina

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