Tourist flow to Tatarstan hotels reaches maximum

A maximum since 2002
In January-December 2022, 2,374,810 people used collective accommodation facilities in Tatarstan, which in addition to hotels, motels and hostels, include sanatorium-resort organisations, holiday homes, boarding houses, campsites, recreation centres, and tourist bases. As Realnoe Vremya calculated, the number of vacationers has increased by 12% over the year.
The number of people staying in hotels in Tatarstan in 2022 has turned out to be the largest since 2002. For the first time, republican accommodation facilities overcame the mark of 2 million customers in 2017.
In subsequent years, it dropped below only once — in 2020, which is fully explained by the outbreak of coronavirus and the restrictions imposed because of it. In the pandemic year, only 1,45 million people used the services of Tatarstan hotels, which had been the lowest since 2013.

However, even in 2020, Tatarstan was the leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of the number of hotel customers. The republic was the only one out of 14 regions where there were more than 1 million of them.
Tatarstan retained its leadership in 2022. The republic is the only region of the Volga Federal District where the number of people who used the services of collective accommodation facilities exceeded the mark of 2 million. Bashkortostan is the 2nd with 1,254 million people, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is the 3rd (1,15 million).
June is the most popular month
June was the busiest month for Tatarstan hotels in 2022. Almost 294 thousand people used their services in the first month of summer, which is by almost 7,8% more than in May.
In the second place — the last month of summer. In August, almost 281,5 thousand guests stayed in Tatarstan hotels, which is by 41 thousand more than in July.
May rounds out the top 3 busiest months, which can be associated with a long weekend at its very beginning, which gives Russians freedom for small trips. Over the last month of spring 2022, 272,6 thousand people used the services of hotels in Tatarstan.

The least frequent arrivals to republican hotels were in February — almost 125,5 thousand people. This is 2,3 times less than in peak June.
In the second place among the months of 2022, when the flow of customers to hotels in Tatarstan was weaker — December. At the end of the year, almost 137 thousand guests used the services of hotels. In the third place — October, when 146 thousand people stayed in hotels.
In general, the situation with the accommodation of guests in hotels in Tatarstan in 2022 is as follows:
- January — 161,112;
- February — 125,489;
- March — 170,799;
- April — 247,504;
- May — 272,633;
- June — 293,782;
- July — 240,286;
- August — 281,451;
- September — 149,264;
- October — 146,082;
- November — 149,426;
- December — 136,982.
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