Minnikhanov to Putin: ‘People do right waiting for something from us, we should work better’

The Tatarstan president reported on the state of affairs in the republic to the leader of the country

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin met with Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov. They discussed repairs of blocks of flats, Our Courtyard republican programme and the performance of special economic zones. It is noteworthy that in live transmission of Russia 24 channel and on the website of the Kremlin Rustam Minnikhanov was introduced as head of Tatarstan, though according to the latest amendments to the Tatarstan Constitution, he is called president till the end of his term. Realnoe Vremya offers the transcript of the meeting.

“Such a big economy you chair cannot help but have problematic issues

Vladimir Putin: Mr Minnikhanov Tatarstan traditionally has been in the top ratings in key areas of work for a long time. Nevertheless, such a big economy you chair cannot help but have problematic issues, those one still needs to work on or those that haven’t yet been properly resolved. Perhaps, let’s start with them? What would you like to pay attention to?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Mr Putin, many thanks for the opportunity of delivering the report.

I would like to say about the support for the special military operation. This topic is the most important one for all of us, and of course I would like to report that we are actively working in this area, we have allocated nearly 2,5 billion to support the special military operation, including for Lysychansk city we are in charge of. Unfortunately, we cannot yet fully work there. Our two battalions — Alga and Timer — are in the area.

Huge humanitarian aid is provided, nearly 2,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid most of which goes to Lysychansk we are responsible for. We also absolutely know what needs to be done in Lysychansk as soon as we have such a possibility. Though we have already started work in some facilities.

As for the work of our doctors in the area, food for people — these issues have been resolved.

Vladimir Putin: “Alga” — means “forward.”

Rustam Minnikhanov: “Alga” means “forward,” yes. “Timer” is “iron,” “made of iron.”

There are concerts, events, meetings and, most importantly, we support families. There is a hotline, everything that is needed.

We have heroes, six heroes, three of them died. And 52 people from Tatarstan have been awarded Courage Orders. We respect them very much, follow all the instructions.

Vladimir Putin: Don’t forget this.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Nobody is forgotten, we meet all the needs. There are deaths too, unfortunately, we seriously consider these tasks in every case.

As for the public and political situation, here, Mr Putin, the situation is stable.

Of course, there are some issues in demography. The pandemic landed a blow on us in demography but we will reach the lifespan of 72,8, it was 71,3 years. We have been a negative balance (of the death and birth rate) for three years, but we are fixing it. Medicine started to work now, and we keep these issues under control. In general, according to the census, we have surpassed 4 million people. Before the pandemic, we had a good indicator. I would like to briefly report on the socio-economic development.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, please.

“Pride of Tatarstan”

Rustam Minnikhanov: Most importantly, our gross regional product is 3,760 billion rubles, industrial production grew by 105,9%, nearly 4,8 trillion rubles in some areas.

Last year, we generated 1,465 billion of all types of taxes. We plan to keep this level, we will try. At the moment, industrial production volumes and investment, Mr Putin, most importantly investments in working capital...

Vladimir Putin: Growing?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, 774 billion rubles, there is growth too. Clearly, retail trade has decreased a bit, it is explicable, but as for the rest, agriculture has risen by 115%, construction has by 108%.

Vladimir Putin: I see the pattern of the economy is changing too, the share of the processing sector is growing.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, the processing industry is growing.

Vladimir Putin: Very well. The share of non-feedstock exports has almost doubled.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, it has increased because we used to sell oil and now we are selling petrochemicals, we are selling the products obtained after processing.

Foreign investments have decreased a bit, but we have kept investments in working capital. The oil industry is key, 35,8 million tonnes, including small companies account for some 20% of production.

We are already processing nearly 24 million tonnes. We have two facilities — TANECO and TAIF-NK, and now SIBUR joined us, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, TGC-16. They joined SIBUR, TAIF became the shareholder of SIBUR. We are working with the SIBUR team well, productively.

Vladimir Putin: Did they exchange assets?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Partly money, partly shares. But all the projects we started — EP-600, it is the production of 600,000 tonnes of ethylene, synthesis, energy projects — are all underway. They meet all the commitments.

The fertiliser plant operates well, plans to expand further. Here Roman Trotsenko is an investor.

Vladimir Putin: Ammonia?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Ammonia, yes. It already produces more than a million tonnes, wants to reach 3 million. There is gas.

There are big environmental projects (you had remarks at the latest meeting). In the last more than 20 years, gross regional product has almost tripled, while emissions have reduced by 20%, discharges have decreased by nearly 60%. There is a big job to modernise biological treatment facilities. A lot is done in Kazan, a waste incineration plant is being built, we are building it with Rostec.

KAMAZ, of course: 42,000 lorries, even 43,000. We are going to launch K5 in the first quarter — there were issues with components, these problems are solved. Ford exited, Sollers is launching the production of light commercial cars instead of Ford.

As for the aviation plant. The task was to make 10 Tu-214 planes.

Vladimir Putin: The pride of Tatarstan.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, it is a big job, I will give you a presentation later. Kazan Helicopters also gains speed — it makes 106 helicopters. As well as the shipbuilding plant.

Haier works quite well making both fridges and TVs. New plants are built — one producing stamping goods and a smart plant are built. They have already invested about a billion dollars.

All tasks in the Defence and Industrial Complex related to defence orders are done according to schedule. The work is underway.

There is large-scale modernisation in the energy complex, we will increase it by 1,2 HW.

Vladimir Putin: How is gas supply going?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Thank you, it already was high, but further gas supply goes according to schedule thanks to your programme, 12,000 households. We worked well in the countryside, the growth is 15%, we produced more than 5 million tonnes of grains, 1,800 of sugar beet. Potato, meat production is good.

We are seriously working in IT. A new IT Park of 50,000 square metres was built in the city centre.

Vladimir Putin: You have always attributed great significance to this.

Rustam Minnikhanov:

Yes, you pay a lot of attention to digitalisation too.

As for schools, we have provided teachers with 24,000 laptops. We already handed over them once, this is the second time. Some 45,000 laptops are needed to provide all the teachers.

There are projects linked with Innopolis, a new ICL plant that will make motherboards and components is also built. Alabuga Special Economic Zone operates well where precisely Sollers, Aurus, Khimgrad technopolis are located. These areas provide us nearly 10% of the industrial production. We have 2,100 residents in our zones. And Master industrial park is 1,500 millions of square metres of plants and warehouses, almost 11,500 people work there. Our revenue in all these facilities is approximately 515 billion.

Monotown projects are underway too, national projects go according to plan, we do all tasks that were set.

Investments in social infrastructure is 112 billion, of which 4,156 facilities were repaired on a big scale, reconstructed and built. The rehousing programme is a very necessary programme.

“No problem”

Vladimir Putin: Does it go on?

Rustam Minnikhanov: It does, according to schedule. We have almost rehosued 841 people.

Large families, orphans are provided with housing — 600 orphans receive flats for free.

Vladimir Putin: Is the queue big?

Rustam Minnikhanov: I think it isn’t, we will finish it in some two years.

There is a programme of housing certificates for young families. They are in high demand, we take them under control. Mr Putin, Our Courtyard is a big programme including 1,212 courtyards.

Vladimir Putin: It goes well across the country.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, we carry it out.

We also care about a comfortable environment, public spaces, repair of blocks of flats — 753 flats have been repaired for 6,5 billion.

We also help garden associations with water supply, treatment facilities.

We have 44 programmes, I briefly wrote in all of them how many and what programmes we have: environmental measures, major repairs of schools, medical facilities — all facilities are briefly presented here. 9 new schools for 7,200 students have been built. The construction of schools, major repairs of health care institutions go on, that’s to say, we systemically work in all the areas, both primary care and sports venues. We try to build football pitches in every district to improve football a bit.

Also, I would like to briefly report on road works because thanks too...

Vladimir Putin: It is one of the problems of the republic, right?

Rustam Minnikhanov:
There is no problem.

Vladimir Putin: НNo? I saw people’s moods.

Rustam Minnikhanov:
People do right waiting for something from us: if you did it, not everything has been done, you should work better.

Vladimir Putin: Good.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Many thanks for the M 12 highway, 100 billion have been spent. We have the 7th and 8th sections, which is 100 billion.

Also, we are moving to Yekaterinburg bypassing Nizhnekamsk and Chelny.

Vladimir Putin: A big job.

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes, two bridges are being built now: through the Volga River and the Kama River. Such things have never happened, even during the Soviet era. Plus, we are building a road to Almetyevsk (via public and private partnership). It is investment loans too. Many thanks.

We make investments too. The republic part is 67 billion, federal roads cost 126 billion. It is huge money, of course.

Roads and bridges are built according to plan, schedules. Mr Khusnullin strictly controls it. And all projects, including Safe and Quality Roads, are implemented.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, the difference between what we had and what we will have is big.

Rustam Minnikhanov: This is why people are waiting: “Why do they have it there whereas we have a cobble road, not asphalt?” It is normal.

I would like to say about the strategic group I chair according to your instruction. We have 36 Russia, 34 foreign members. We have had seven meetings since 2015. The last meeting was in Jeddah. Your greetings, the Saudi king’s greetings, they organised everything very well.

Vladimir Putin: Is it Russia — Islamic World?

Rustam Minnikhanov: Yes. And of course many thanks for the celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam.

Our next trip is in Malaysia. You delivered a speech there in 2003.

Vladimir Putin: It was an Islamic conference.

Rustam Minnikhanov: We became observers in this organisation. Your instruction was to take this KazanSummit to the federal level. And last year Kazan became the youth OIC capital. Representatives of more than 70 countries participated in it, almost all OIC countries took part in it.

And of course, Mr Shaimiyev is actively involved in the work on UNESCO.

Vladimir Putin: Good. Let’s talk about some specific issues.

Realnoe Vremya online newspaper

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