Mintimer Shaimiev: UNESCO Convention actually proves its viability and worldwide significance

The first President of Tatarstan, State Adviser of the Republic and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue, Mintimer Shaimiev, welcomed the participants of the international forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The event is taking place in Kazan.

“The UNESCO Convention actually proves its viability and worldwide significance. I would say that the convention stands guard over the cultural and natural diversity of our planet, uniting peoples and countries in their desire to preserve unique man-made monuments for future generations," Mintimer Shaimiev said.

He reminded that the USSR joined UNESCO in early 1989. In recent years, Russia, including Tatarstan, has made a huge contribution to international cooperation in implementing the provisions of the convention, Mintimer Shaimiev drew attention.

“Thanks to the convention, simultaneously with the inclusion of our objects in the World Heritage List, we receive an additional guarantee of safety and join the world management experience. And this is very important," he concluded.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

Let us remind that he UNESCO International Forum in Kazan is taking place from December 5 to 8. It will be attended by ten countries at the ministerial level. Yesterday, the forum was opened by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

“Tatarstan is always open to cooperation on the implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. I wish success to all of us on this noble path. Years will pass, and we will remember and declare to the whole world. When the celebration of this 50th anniversary was banned, there were a lot of detractors, and then we will say, no matter what, this holiday has passed in Tatarstan. This session has passed. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart," Mintimer Shaimiev said.

Also, the youth model of the UNESCO Committee is opening in Adymnar multilingual complex in Kazan. Its purpose is to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the problem of preserving cultural and natural heritage sites. The event simulates a real session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Ayrat Nazipov

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