Average monthly salary in Tatarstan falls but remains highest in the Volga area

Average monthly salary in Tatarstan falls but remains highest in the Volga area
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Yelizaveta Punsheva

Salaries increased by 17,3% compared to January-July 2021

In January-July 2022, the average monthly salary among workers in enterprises and organisations, including small businesses was 49,943 rubes. To compare, during the first half, it was a bit higher — 50,065 rubles.

Nevertheless, compared to last January-July, the average monthly salary in Tatarstan notably increased. The growth was 17,3%, reads the Russian State Statistics Service.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Yelizaveta Punsheva

A decrease of the average monthly salary in July in comparison to the first half of the year can explain a fall in January-July 2022. Compared to June, it became 8% smaller. At the same time, compared to July 2021, the figure rose by 16% making up 49,202 rubles.

The biggest average monthly salary in the Volga area in Tatarstan

Despite the fall compared to the first half of the year, the average monthly salary in Tatarstan in January-July 2022 anyway is the highest among regions of the Volga Federal District. It also turned out to be higher than in the Volga area but lower than across Russia in general.

The average monthly salary in the Volga Federal District during the first seven months of the year was 44,512 rubles, which is 13,1% more than during the same period last year. It is 5,4% less than this June but 14,4% more than in July 2021.

The highest average monthly salaries among Volga regions are in Tatarstan and Perm Krai (49,591 rubles). Bashkiria is third — 46,349 rubles. The lowest average monthly salary in January-July 2022 was in Mordovia — 38,005 rubles.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov

In all 14 Volga regions there was registered a rise in the average monthly salary compared to January-July 2021. Tatarstan became a leader where it rose by 17,3%. Udmurtia is second — by 15%, Bashkiria is third — by 14,8%. The smallest growth was registered in Samara and Penza Oblasts — 10,2%.

Realnoe Vremya provides a rating of Volga regions in the average monthly salary in January-July 2022 and the dynamics compared to the same period in 2021:

  • Tatarstan — 49,943 rubles (+17,3%);
  • Perm Krai — 49,591 rubles (+11,7%);
  • Bashkiria — 46,349 rubles (+14,8%);
  • Samara Oblast — 45,705 rubles (+10,2%);
  • Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 44,451 rubles (+12%)
  • Udmurtia — 43,429 rubles (+15%);
  • Orenburg Oblast — 41,703 rubles (+11,9%);
  • Saratov Oblast — 40,619 rubles (+11,3%);
  • Penza Oblast — 39,574 rubles (+10,2%);
  • Ulyanovsk Oblast — 39,357 rubles (+10,3%);
  • Chuvashia — 39,133 rubles (+14,5%);
  • Kirov Oblast — 38,914 rubles (+11,6%);
  • Mari El — 38,022 rubles (+12%);
  • Mordovia — 38,005 rubles (+13,8%).

The average monthly salary across Russia in January-July 2022 was 62,025. Compared to the same period last year, it rose by 12,6%.

Tatiana Dyomina

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