Tatarstan continues keeping zero salary arrears

Tatarstan continues keeping zero salary arrears
Photo: Tikhonov

No salary arrears only in three Volga regions including Tatarstan

As of 1 September 2022, salary arrears weren’t registered in Tatarstan, reads the Russian Federal Statistics Service’s data. There haven’t been salary arrears for the third month in a row.

Besides Tatarstan, there are no salary arrears in another two Volga regions — Perm Krai and Ulyanovsk Oblast. In the Volga Federal District in general, by early autumn, employers didn’t pay their employees 73,4 million rubles because of not having money.

Kirov Oblast became the leader in salary arrears among 14 regions of the Volga Federal District. By 1 September, the debt was 33,7 million rubles — almost half of the sum in the Volga region.

Saratov Oblast is second in the amount of salary that wasn’t paid to workers — 14,3 million rubles. Penza Oblast is third — 9,4 million rubles. The smallest salary arrears by early autumn were registered in Mordovia — 200,000 rubles as well as in Chuvashia and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 500,000 rubles each.

By 1 September 2022, the total salary arrears across Russia rose to 845 million rubles. Photo: Platonov

By 1 September 2022, the total salary arrears across Russia rose by 15,4% in a month reaching 845 million rubles. The arrears accrued this year account for 362 million, in 2021 — 129,6 million, in 2020 during the pandemic and earlier — 353,4 million.

These are the types of economic activity where employers own their employees salaries:

  • processing enterprises — 44%;
  • electrical energy, gas and steam supply, air conditioning — 10,9%;
  • agriculture, hunting and services in these areas, logging — 9%;
  • construction — 8,2,%;
  • mineral production — 7,6%;
  • water supply; wastewater disposal, organisation of waste collection and disposal, elimination of pollution — 6,3%;
  • scientific research and developments — 5,7%;
  • transport — 5%.

From 41,1 million rubles to zero

The Russian Federal Statistics Service reported on the absence of salary arrears in Tatarstan on 1 July for the first time in 2022. As Realnoe Vremya was explained in the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the only company that had arrears repaid them. Other information was not received.

By early 2022, salary arrears in Tatarstan amounted to 47,6 million rubles. It gradually decreased during the year.

By 1 February, salary arrears in Tatarstan reached 47,1 million, by 1 March, it did 46,9 million. During the next months, the sum didn’t change — it was 46,2 million rubles on 1 April and 1 May. Salary arrears on 1 June were 46,2 million rubles.

As of 1 June 2022, salary arrears in Tatarstan reached were 41,1 million. Photo: Maxim Platonov/

As of July 2022, there were no salary arrears only in three Volga regions — Tatarstan, Perm Krai and Ulyanovsk Oblast. In the district in general it was equal to 44,8 million rubles. Employers of Saratov Oblast owed the biggest sum — 12,3 million.

Across Russia, by 1 July salary arrears totalled 801,7 million rubles. Half of this sum — 50,2% — appeared during the pandemic in 2020 and earlier. Overdue salaries hold 31,2% this year, the other 18,6% are last year’s.

Tatiana Dyomina

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