Birth rate in Tatarstan has been falling for six months

Birth rate growth in Tatarstan registered only in January
3,197 babies were born in Tatarstan in July 2022. It is 11,8% less than during the same month last year when 3,625 newborns were registered, reads data of the Russian Statistics Service.
A fall in the birth rate in Tatarstan has been seen for six out of seven months this year, Realnoe Vremya found out. So in June, 3,061 babies were born in the republic in June, which
January is the only month when a rise in the birth rate was registered in Tatarstan. 2,875 babies were born during the first month of 2022 in the republic, which is 1,4% more than the number of newborns in January 2021.

The following birth rate decrease dynamics in Tatarstan in the last six months of 2022 can be tracked according to the official statistics:
- February — 2,820 newborns (-2,2%)
- March — 3,210 newborns (-15,2%)
- April — 2,801 newborns (-14,9%)
- May — 2,900 newborns (-11,25)
- June — 3,061 newborns (-15,4%)
- July — 3,197 newborns (-8,5%)
A total of 20,864 newborns were registered in Tatarstan during the first seven months of 2022. It is 10,5% less than in January-July last year.
Tatarstan is leader in the Volga district in number of newborns in July
Despite the falling birth rate, Tatarstan manages to be a leader in number of newborns in among the regions of the Volga Federal District. In July, the republic is first in the Volga Federal District.
A decrease in the birth rate in July 2022 was registered in all 14 regions of the Volga Federal District. It turned out to be more noticeable in Mari El. In Tatarstan’s neighbouring republic, just 440 babies were born, which is 26,1% less than during the same month in 2021.

The most insignificant fall in the birth rate in July among the Volga regions was in Orenburg Oblast — by 7,3%. 1,448 babies were born there.
Realnoe Vremya publishes a rating of Volga regions in number of newborns in July of 2022 with the dynamics of its fall compared to the same month last year:
- Tatarstan — 3,197 newborns (-11,8%)
- Bashkiria — 3,073 newborns (-11,9%)
- Samara Oblast — 2,234 newborns (13,4%)
- Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 2,116 newborns (-13%)
- Perm Krai — 1,939 newborns (-8,7%).
- Orenburg Oblast — 1,448 newborns (-7,3%).
- Saratov Oblast — 1,404 newborns (-17,2%)
- Udmurtia — 1,082 newborns (-7,8%).
- Chuvashia — 926 newborns (-11,9%)
- Kirov Oblast — 772 newborns (-12,5%)
- Penza Oblast — 764 newborns (-14%)
- Ulyanovsk Oblast — 763 newborns (-15,2%)
- Mari El — 440 newborns (-26,1%)
- Mordovia — 430 newborns (-11,9%)
20,588 babies were born in general in the Volga Federal District in July. It is 12,3% less than in July 2021.
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