Consumer loans in Tatarstan collapse almost twofold following car loans

Consumer loans in Tatarstan collapse almost twofold following car loans

In January-July 2022, Tatarstan citizens took out consumer loans for a total of 42,7 billion rubles. It is 46,5% less than during the same period last year, says the National Bureau of Credit History.

The same is with car loans in Tatarstan. According to the bureau, during the first seven months of 2022, 14,2 billion rubles were granted, which is 42,9% less than in January-July last year.

In number of consumer loans granted during the first seven months of 2022, Tatarstan is sixth among 30 Russian leading regions. Moscow tops the rating, its citizens took out consumer loans for 166,7 billion rubles during this period. The top 5 also includes Moscow Oblast, Saint Petersburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast and Krasnodar Krai.

Consumer loans notably decreased in Stavropol Krai among the 30 leading regions — by 52,1%. During the first seven months, its citizens took out consumer loans for 17,3 billion rubles.

Photo: Maxim Platonov/

According to 4,000 creditors’ data sending data to the bureau, in January-July 2022, in Russia there were granted consumer loans for 1,35 trillion rubles to buy consumer goods. It is 46,6% less than during the same period in 2021.

“The situation in consumer loans this year is similar to the quarantine in 2020. In both cases, there is a tendency for some recovery of consumer loans after a fall,” said Marketing Director of the bureau Alexey Volkov. He says that more consumer loans were granted in May-July because of a fall in the key rate of the Central Bank and lower market rates.

Consumer loans in Tatarstan are gradually retuning to the level before sanctions in February. According to the bureau’s data, in July, residents of the republic took out 33,889 consumer loans, which is 16,4% more than in June.

The average consumer loan in Tatarstan in July was 265,254 rubles. It surpassed the period before sanctions — this February, it reached 245,100 rubles, it was 201,700 in January.

Tatiana Dyomina

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