Industrial production in Tatarstan increases by almost 20% in July

Manufacturing industries have grown significantly compared to the previous year

Industrial production continues to grow in Tatarstan: in the first half of 2022, the index increased by 7,9% compared to the same period in 2021, and in July its growth amounted to a more impressive 19,9%. Such data is provided by the Tatarstan State Statistics Service.

Industrial Production Index is measured in the form of gross value added for four types of economic activity. These are “mining”, “manufacturing”, “provision of electricity, gas and steam”, as well as “water supply and waste disposal”.

Manufacturing increased most of all — by 33,2%, compared to July 2021. Mining also increased, but not so much — by 4,7%.

But for two types, the index fell. The largest decrease is observed in the field of water supply, sanitation, waste collection and disposal, as well as pollution elimination activities — in July 2022, compared to the same month of 2021, the index was 80,8%. As for the provision of electricity and gas, it fell by 2%.

If we compare July 2022 with the previous month, industrial production increased by only 2,3%. Positive results are in three of the four types of activity: electricity supply (6,6%), mining (+4,4%), manufacturing (1,1%).

In 2021, the growth of industrial production in Tatarstan was the highest since 1992

It is worth noting that the pace of development of Tatarstan industry from January to December 2021 was the highest since the beginning of the 1990s. The industrial production index was 108,5%, Tatarstan Minister of Industry and Trade Albert Karimov stated. The volume of goods and services shipped amounted to 4 trillion rubles.

For comparison, by the end of 2020, production in Tatarstan fell by 3,6%, and the volume of production amounted to 2,7 trillion rubles.

“This is a great work, a great contribution of our labour collectives. We looked at the statistics and saw that such has not happened since 1992," Karimov said, adding that part of the growth was provided by the low base of 2020. Nevertheless, compared to 2019, the growth was 104,8%, he clarified.


Last year, 63% of the national production volume was achieved by the petrochemical complex, which produced products worth 2,5 trillion rubles. Last year, 34,5 million tonnes of oil were extracted, 69,3 thousand trucks and 747 passenger cars, 13,5 million tyres, as well as 27 billion kWh of electricity and 56,1 million Gcal of steam and hot water were produced. In total, over 323 thousand people are employed in the industry.

Daria Pinegina

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