No salary arrears in Tatarstan for the first time since the beginning of the year, Statistics Service says
Salary arrears surpassed 41 million a month ago
As of 1 July, there wasn’t registered data on salary arrears in Tatarstan, reads the data of the Russian Statistics Service. This happened for the first time since the beginning of the year, Realnoe Vremya found out.
Salary arrears in Tatarstan used to be the biggest in the Volga Federal District. So by early 2022, it was assessed at 47,6 million rubles, while in some Volga regions, for instance, in Perm Krai, Kirov and Ulyanovsk oblasts, there was no data on it.
During the year, salary arrears in Tatarstan gradually went down. On 1 February, it was assessed at 47,1 million, on 1 March, it was 46,9 million. However, during the next months, it remained at the same level: by 1 April and 1 May, it was estimated at 46,2 million rubles. By early summer, salary arrears in Tatarstan decreased to 41,1 million.
As Realnoe Vremya was explained in the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the only company that had a debt repaid it. There wasn’t received other information.
On 1 July, only three Volga regions didn’t have salary arrears — Tatarstan, Perm Krai and Ulyanovsk Oblast. In the district in general, it reached 44,8 million rubles. The biggest sum is in Saratov Oblast — 12,3 million.
By 1 July, salary arrears in the Volga regions looks the following way:
- Saratov Oblast — 12,3 million;
- Mari El — 11 million;
- Penza Oblast — 9,3 million;
- Chuvashia — 3,4 million;
- Kirov Oblast — 2,2 million;
- Samara Oblast — 2,2 million;
- Orenburg Oblast — 1,8 million;
- Bashkiria — 1,1 million;
- Udmurtia — 0,8 million;
- Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 0,5 million;
- Mordovia — 0,2 million;
- Tatarstan — no arrears;
- Perm Krai — no arrears;
- Ulyanovsk Oblast — no arrears.
Salary arrears in Russia amounts to nearly 802 million
Salary arrears in Russia in general was 801,7 million rubles by 1 July. Over the last month, it has reduced by 9,9%, or 88,3 million rubles. Compared to the beginning of the year, the sum rose by 2%.
As the Russian Statistics Service explained, half of the salary arrears — 50,2% — was accumulated during the pandemic in 2020 and earlier. Wage arrears this year account for 31,2%, the other 18,6% — appeared last year.
The absence of the employer’s own money became the main reason for salary arrears, it is 796,4 out of 801,7 million. The other 5,3 million — are untimely received money from the federal budget.

The share of workers of the organisations that had salary arrears was less than 1% by 1 July 2022, claims the Statistics Service. According to the agency, 12,200 employees weren’t paid a salary.
Almost half of the salary arrears are held by processing enterprises, 47,3%. Companies working in construction have 12,6%, agriculture, hunting, services in these spheres and logging — 12,4%.
Mineral producing enterprises account for almost 7% of salary arrears, transport companies do another 6,3%. The organisations operating in water supply, waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination have 5,3%.
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