Additional 1.15bn rub for medical equipment renewal allocated for Tatarstan

Additional 1.15bn rub for medical equipment renewal allocated for Tatarstan
Photo: (archive)

Tatarstan has received additional funds from the Russian government to upgrade medical equipment in the republic. The amount of funding has been increased from 1,07 billion rubles to 1,15 billion rubles, the press service of the regional ministry of healthcare reports.

Also, the Russian Cabinet of Ministers has allocated 69,03 million rubles to co-finance expenditure obligations in the implementation of regional projects for the modernisation of primary health care of the national project “Healthcare”. Another 17,2 million rubles will come from the budget of Tatarstan.

Photo: (archive)

In 2022, 32 institutions will be repaired in Tatarstan for the modernisation of primary medical care. Contractors have 14 objects in operation. At the end of May, six facilities have been completed. The volume of work performed amounted to 70%.

Daria Akimova

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