Another 600 million rubles to be invested in construction of first section of Kazan metro second line

Another 600 million rubles are going to be invested in the construction of the first section of the second line of the Kazan metro from the station with the working name Fuchika to the Sakharova station. The funds are allocated from the budget of Tatarstan.

The first section includes four stations. According to the documentation, there is an exit and a pedestrian crossing to the first line of the Kazan metro — to Dubravnaya station. The length of the plot is 5,75 km.

The contractor is to start work next month. They are to be completed by November 30, 2022. Glavstroy of Tatarstan is engaged in the search for the contractor.

The department's documentation states that the stations Akademika Sakharova Street and Yulius Fuchik Street are designed to be “temporarily terminal”. According to calculations, in the first 10 years of operation of the first section of the line, traffic in the metro will amount to 342,8 thousand people a day or 125,1 million passengers a year.

Another 876 million rubles will be allocated for the removal of engineering communications from the construction zone of the first section of the second line of the Kazan metro from Fuchika station to Sakharova station, as well as for landscaping. Funds for these purposes are provided in the budget of Tatarstan.

In March, a tender appeared for the construction of the first section of the second line of the Kazan metro with an initial price of 639,4 million rubles. Thus, according to the calculations of Realnoe Vremya, more than 2,1 billion rubles have already been allocated for the object this year.

In February 2022, the builders completed the tunneling of the first section of the second line of the Kazan metro. At the intersection of Lomzhinskaya and Yulius Fuchik Streets, the tunneling complex came to the surface of the ground. The new branch should be launched in 5 years, in 2027.

The names for the new stations were chosen by popular vote. According to the results of a survey conducted among Kazan residents, the station at the intersection of Fuchik and Zorge streets will be called "100th anniversary of the TASSR”, and at the intersection of Fuchik and Zavoysky streets -Akademicheskaya (translated as “Academic”). For the station at the intersection of Fuchika Street with Lomzhinskaya Street and Noksinsky Descent, the majority voted for the name “Zilant”, for the metro station at the Mega shopping centre — Tulpar.

The project documentation also includes information about the second and third sections of the second line of the Kazan metro. Their length is 5,45 and 9,37 km . Three stations with the working names “XXI century”, “Pionerskaya” and “Compressor Plant” are planned on the second site. On the third site, the project provides for four stations “Football Stadium”, “City Hospital”, “Registry Office” and “Decembrists”.

Tatyana Demina

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