Japanese Mitsui offers Tatarstan petrochemists a consortium

Over 20 companies arrived in Kazan from the Land of the Rising Sun to participate in the Tatarstan – Japan forum. TAIF GC's lasting partner Mitsui investment company also studied opportunities of further cooperation with the republic. During the negotiations, the two holdings talked about a common 'investment future' on the ambitious construction of an ethylene complex in Nizhnekamskneftekhim and creation of their own energy source for the needs of NKNKH. Realnoe Vremya goes into details.

New 500 MW capacities

Negotiations of the two partners, TAIF Group of Companies and Mitsui, started with today's key project of the multisectoral holding. It is the construction of the Heavy Residues Deep Conversion Complex in TAIF-NK. Installation works have almost finished. Equipment is individually tested. Some facilities of the HRDCC are gradually prepared for start-up and commissioning. The unique complex will be certainly put into operation on time. It is planned to start at the end of the year.

'Steps on further development of the complex will be taken after the launch of the facility. The project has many potential possibilities that won't be completely seen in the beginning,' the director general of TAIF GC Albert Shigabutdinov the plan of modus operandi and asked Toyo, which is a part of GC Mitsui, not to get relaxed. 'You workers should take care of every screw,' Albert Shigabutdinov reminded. It should be noted Toyo is an engineering company that designs the basic VCC unit and delivers equipment.

Then they talked about the construction of generating capacities for the needs of Nizhnekamskneftekhim with a total capacity at 500 MW and far-reaching development plans of Kazanorgsintez. The executive director on Industrial Projects in Europe, Russia, CIS countries and Near East of Mitsui & Co Ikuo Kasama noted that '… we will study and offer optimal decisions and the companies that can be beneficial for you within the scope of this development plan'.

The HRDCC has many potential possibilities that won't be completely seen in the beginning

NKNKH's ethylene complex configuration

Then the Ethylene Complex of Nizhnekamskneftekhim drew all attention to itself. The bid for the contractor is about to finish. As it was known, the big project consists of four stages. The first is designed for 600,000 tonnes of ethylene production. The second stage of derived polymers is to be put into operation at the same time. The third stage will produce 600,000 tonnes more, and the fourth one includes derived polymer production of the second stage of ethylene manufacturing. As a rule, as GC Mitsui is the organiser of the financing, attracts necessary licensers and producers, they spoke about the participation form in the project.

'…We will study and offer optimal decisions and the companies that can be beneficial for you within the scope of this development plan'

The thing is that an offer to create a consortium was made. At this moment the top management of TAIF obviously doubts because the common project cannot define the company who will be responsible for the end result. In addition, consortium can significantly increase the costs of the project. As this offer was made, Albert Shigabutdinov asked to hurry up while preparing еру offers on both separate and common participation. 'Yes, I understand your position with the mind…' Ikuo Kasama told. 'But not with your soul, right?' Vladimir Presnyakov inquired. In answer to it, Albert Shigabutdinov cited Tyutchev and told that 'it's impossible to grasp Russia with the mind'.

Consortium can significantly increase the costs of the project

At the end of the meeting, the deputy director general of TAIF GC in Petrochemistry and Oil Refinery Vladimir Presnyakov asked for a list of licenses for petrochemical products that Mitsui is ready to sell or help in the organisation of joint venture within the scope of a possible cooperation of TAIF and Mitsui in the next 20-30 years. Ikuo Kasama assured this data will be given.

Realnoe Vremya is preparing an interview with the executive director on Industrial Projects in Europe, Russia, CIS countries and Near East of Mitsui & Co Ikuo Kasama

By Alsina Gazizova. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

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