Damir Mukhetdinov, MSD of Russia: ‘Tatarstan will have a chance to shine’

The pace of the recovery of Russia-Turkey relations has been unprecedented in diplomacy. The Turkish side apologised on 17 June, Ministers of Foreign Affairs sat at table to talk on 1 July, the two Presidents – Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan shook their hands in Saint Petersburg on 9 August. The chairman of the Muslim Spirituality Directorate of the Russian Federation (MSD) Mufti Ravil Gainutdin met with his Turkish colleague Mehmet Görmez, the head of the Turkish Parliament Ismail Kahraman and the presidium of the Eurasian Islamic Council on the same day. Gainutdin's first deputy Damir Mukhetdinov told Realnoe Vremya whether it was a sheer coincidence, and how the Muslim religious scholars favoured the recovery of the relations after the November 2015 discord.

Mufti Gainutdin's trip started on the eve of the meeting of the heads of Russia and Turkey in Petersburg. Can it be a coincidence? Who initiated this visit when the relations between the countries were at a critically low level?

Sure, such a 'coincidence' can't be accidental. It goes without saying, the meeting was prepared beforehand. And it was not Mufti's kind of 'improvisation' but a demonstration of a strategy he always followed during the conflict that burst out between our countries. It should be reminded Gainutdin was the only Russian mufti and almost the only Russia public person who was in favour of searching for reconciliation and compromise in November and December last year when tempers were running high. His position during the next months was to not to worsen the break, at least.

Gainutdin has been praying and working, looking for certain diplomatic and personal tools since the beginning of the conflict. Despite the crisis in political communication between the two states, no one cancelled the religious fraternity between the Russian and Turkish co-religionists. And it all has yielded fruits by August: the visit took place due to the invitation of the President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs Dr Mehmet Görmez. Friendship and long-standing cooperation bind him with Mufti Gainutdin. This personal contact is a valuable resource in diplomacy.

The visit took place due to the invitation of the President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs Dr Mehmet Görmez. Friendship and long-standing cooperation bind him with Mufti Gainutdin.

Just note that for such an important public person the statement made in December was an exceptionally risky step that required personal courage and spirit. I must emphasise the Mufti's intention was to demonstrate the ideas and system of values he has promoted in recent year in public. It is the Quran humanism that confirms the value of every life and cares about peace between peoples, dialogue of civilisations and peace-making and consolidating mission of the Russian Muslim representation between Russia and the Islamic world.

You were right to note the meetings of the two Presidents and the two Muftis took place at the same time. It demonstrates the Turkish side sees and understands the significant role of the Russian religious community in the solution of problems of the modern world. Muslims of our country has illustrated they have a big potential in regulating conflicts and setting the agenda.

Tatarstan also followed a wait-and-see policy during the exacerbation of Russia-Turkey relations. And it was a right decision. Is it luck or a result of a deep understanding of geopolitical processes by the regional elite or anything else?

The position of Tatarstan expressed by its President Rustam Minnikhanov deserves a high evaluation and respect. I think the famous Tatar rationality and sound mind and not only these qualities were important here. Under Putin's instruction, Minnikhanov heads the 'Russia – Islamic World' Strategic Vision Group, and this obliges. It would be at least strange to hear his inimical declamation towards the closest neighbour from the Islamic world. Indeed, this role of intermediary was not forcedly given to Tatarstan. It was a deeply felt mission of the regional authority. I think Tatarstan will have a chance to shine while recovering the relations in practice.

An agreement on organisation of big joint events and fulfilment of projects, a cooperation agreement between the MSD of Russia and the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Turkish Republic are the result

An algorithm of the recovery of bilateral relations was elaborated as a result of Putin and Erdoğan's meeting. What results of Mufti Gainutdin's trip to Turkey can we be speaking about today?

An agreement on the organisation of big joint events and fulfilment of projects, a cooperation agreement between the MSD of Russia and the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Turkish Republic are the result. The breakthrough is obvious. New decisions for the sake of expansion and a more intensive bilateral cooperation was taken in bettering the religious education, enlightenment and spiritual education. Let me note that the International Muslim Forum where I work as a secretary is one of the largest and strategically important common projects. New things appear on the basis of the long-standing relations and cooperation experience.

What is more, our religious leader was invited to work in the presidium of the Eurasian Islamic Council, which is the largest international union of Muslims. There were meetings with the head of Muslims of Azerbaijan Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh, Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina Husein Kavazović, Mufti of Kosovo Naim Ternava. Our Mufti also has lasting relationships and deep understanding with these people. This resource is also priceless. Here I should note not only we, the participants of the process but also many Muslims in the world, sincere friends of Turkey and Russia worried about the coolness between Russia and Turkey. It is important that Mufti Gainutdin also used these resources to achieve the goals of his mission.

But the Mufti is not a salaried diplomat. How could you characterise the character and the goal of his mission? It is spiritual or political or another…

Mufti Gainutdin acted as a real Muslim. He has shown the wisdom of a religious cleric and responsibility of a patriot and state supporter in recent events. It was told in hadith: if you see something wrong, go and fix it; if you are not allowed to do it, say loudly what and how it should be fixed; and if the conditions require keeping silence, pray for fixing! And our leader prayed, publicly and secretly asked people not to take irretrievable steps and started to act as soon as it became possible.

It is not necessary to explain the establishment of contacts with such religious and political leaders of Turkey has a response and causes good consequences for the mass of people.

Let's put an example of the meeting with the chairman of the Turkish Parliament of the Turkish Republic Ismail Kahraman. Our spiritual leader expressed his condolences when people died defending democracy during the coup attempt. He clearly told that any extraconstitutional actions are not permitted, so he evaluated the attempted coup that took place in Turkey on 15 and 16 July. As a Mufti, first of all, he prayed for peace of the deceased people, well-being of their families and relatives, peace and order in the country. It is just a humanly touching moment: hearts of praying people are always closer to each other, sentiments get warmer, mind is tuned for searching for better and noble things. Pray in the Parliament is a serious thing, believe me! It is not necessary to explain that the establishment of contacts with such religious and political leaders of Turkey has a response and causes good consequences for the mass of people.

Plus, no one cancelled our religious fraternity with many Eurasian peoples. And here the so-called 'Islamic factor' works out fruitful not only for Muslims but also for all religions in our countries. In brief, 'Gainutdin's mission is Eurasian peacemaking.

In your opinion, is the visit of the Russian Mufti to Turkey aimed at the relations between the two countries?

Without doubt. Note that authoritative mass media told that Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbaev played a major role in search of the method of finding a way out of the crisis. He is one of the authors of the Eurasian integration. So, consolidation policy of potentials in Eurasia, which Russia and Kazakhstan have pursued in recent years, played a positive role. President Putin puts the example of Konstantin Leontyev's formula of flourishing complexity of the Eurasian civilisation many times. So, it is in action!

I don't think somebody would doubt that Mufti Gainutdin was the most convinced and fervent advocate and even a propagandist of the Eurasian integration among religious leaders of enormous Eurasian space.

There are leaders among us who bring the values of the Quran humanism to millions of people, have a talent of peacemakers, can reach hearts and affect both ordinary people and those who make decisions. It is God's blessing and grace.

The activity of the MSD of the Russian Federation was not dictated by situational motives but his support of the idea of cooperation of peoples and achievement of common well-being. Moreover, Mufti Gainutdin was absolutely convinced the religious scholars should never turn into a tool for stirring up hatred but coordinate their actions with human values.

So, there are leaders among us who bring the values of the Quran humanism to millions of people, have a talent of peacemakers, can reach hearts and affect both ordinary people and those who make decisions. It is God's blessing and grace.

Let's try and look at these events as a European. Our countries managed to get rid of a very complicated diplomatic dead end, while disintegration processes are getting more severe in the Old World. Is not it a proof of the advantage of our way? Today Mufti Gainutdin is an embodiment of wisdom and far-sightedness of the Eurasian integration.

You hold a PhD in politics. Turkish-born Islamist Gülen is supposed to be the ideologist and initiator of the attempted coup in Turkey. How can you explain it?

Specialists are collecting and investigating certain materials in Turkey. They give these materials to the U.S. authority and require the extradition of Gülen. It is the inner voice of the country.

I also can state that, geopolitically, Gülen is based on forces that demonstrated themselves in many regions where Muslims live. Consequences of the USA's invasion (military or economic) in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq and other regions, chronic destabilisation of the complicated civilisation of Near East are obvious and terribly convincing. There is only one question: is it a wreaked chaos? Or is this chaos under control? Flourishing complexity is turned into chaos via colour revolutions there. This chaos burns out all the sense of life. President Erdoğan clearly doesn't wish such a scenario for his country.

And when a mufti from Russia helps the two Presidents of Turkey and Russia is not just the range of 'people's diplomacy' between the two countries but is likely to be a mission of conservation of civilisations that flourish with difficulty. These actions are not local but global. They can be (and must be) applied in many places of the globe. It is the Quran humanism in action, the fulfilment of the idea of the Creator about wealth and diversity of all creations.

By Jannat Sergey Markus and Dilyara Akhmetova

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