Data on Russian Armed Forces’ losses spread by Kyiv is a propaganda lie, claims Russian Defence Ministry

All data on losses of the Russian Armed Forces, including senior and supreme officers, spread by an adviser to the Ukrainian president’s office Mykhailo Podolyak are a propagandist lie, claimed the Russian Ministry of Defence. It recommended against misleading people “regarding the real capabilities and professionalism of the Russian Armed Forces.”

The Ministry of Defence drew Podolyak’s attention to the actions of the Security Service of Ukraine, neo-Nazi units and other so-called “special Ukrainian structures” terrorising their own citizens who were trying to leave the territory of Ukraine.

“They let children and women pass with great difficulty, though not all of them. As for the men of Ukraine, they are forcedly conscripted there, on the border, as the so-called reservists. In fact, they are used as cannon fodder,” claimed the Ministry of Defence.

According to the ministry, nationalists keep using residential quarters and social infrastructure as a human shield.

“So in the suburbs of Kyiv, near Vynohradar, Ukrainian nationalist subdivisions have hidden in blocks of flats and used multiple rocket launchers to fire Russian militaries for a few days. Moreover, the area of a nearby shopping centre was used as a big base to store rocket munitions and reload rocket launchers,” noted the Russian Ministry of Defence.

Due to this, a battery of Ukrainian multiple rocket launchers and their munitions storage base in a non-operating shopping centre were destroyed in the shopping centre on 21 March night.

On 21 March, the Defence Ministry of Russia also commented on adviser to the Ukrainian president’s office Mykhailo Podolyak’s words that Russia was allegedly fighting using only “a big number of weapons and cruise missiles.” It said that high-precision hypersonic weapons were used too.

Realnoe Vremya is staying tuned for the events. Read the details in the online newspaper’s special report.

Daria Pinegina

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