'We compare paths, align positions': SIBUR delegation visits Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1)

The SIBUR delegation paid a working visit to the branch of TGC-16 JSC — Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1). Business partners visited the production facilities of the enterprise, took part in business sessions. The visit became a continuation of the July trip of the TAIF delegation to Zabsibneftekhim. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

One of the largest thermal power plants in Europe

“We are glad to meet with wonderful people, great professionals in their field," said Vladimir Tupikin, the director for energy and resource supply at SIBUR, opening the meeting.

From the very first minutes, the meeting was more like a meeting of old friends. The guests were shown a film about the Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1). After that, plant director Sergey Olyunin made a brief presentation.

“Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) is one of the largest thermal power plants in Europe. The installed electric capacity of the station is 880 MW, the thermal capacity is 3,746 Gcal/h. The station operates 10 turbine units, 16 power and 5 hot-water boiler units," he said.

The main consumers of the station's heat are petrochemical plants of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, TAIF-NK JSC, and thermal networks of Tatenergo JSC. Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) provides about 60% of the annual supply of thermal energy for the heating of the city of Nizhnekamsk. By the level of efficiency and production technology, the station occupies leading positions among the thermal power plants of Russia.

Sergey Olyunin spoke about the main equipment of the station, the basic thermal scheme, the dynamics of changes in the main thermal power plants. According to him, the investments of TGC-16 JSC in the main equipment and production facilities of Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) from 2010 to 2020, taking into account capital construction and major repairs, amounted to almost 6 billion rubles. There are many plans ahead…

“The total volume of planned investments in the technical re-equipment and modernisation of the main production assets of Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) for the period up to 2030 amounts to about 18 billion rubles. The main directions of modernisation of the plant are to increase the reliability, safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness of production," he added.

SIBUR representatives asked dozens of questions during the meeting, mainly they related to pricing, the specifics of implementing investment projects, as well as the progress of modernisation and repair of equipment. By the way, many innovations of the electric power industry of Tatarstan are being implemented at Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1).

One of the major resource-saving investment projects of recent years is the technical re-equipment of the condensate treatment plant of chemical shop No. 1, the introduction of which in cooperation with Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC ensured the acceptance of returnable industrial condensate into the station cycle.

The projects of technical re-equipment of the water treatment equipment of the two chemical workshops of the station, carried out in the period from 2018 to 2019, were of particular interest, as a result of which the best available technologies in the field of water treatment (high-speed clarifiers, membrane water purification modules, etc.) were introduced, the productivity for the production of chemically demineralised water of high quality was increased by a total of 600 tons/h.

Thanks to the construction of the new gas distribution plant, the scheme for supplying fuel gas to Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) was implemented. Previously, this gas, the by-product of production of the Heavy Residue Conversion Complex of TAIF-NK JSC, was simply flared at flare units. Now it is an important product for energy production. The effect of the implementation was double — economic and environmental.

“We have a lot of points of intersection both in terms of petrochemicals and in terms of energy. There are common tasks, points of growth, and directions of development. You can see how each other is made, so as not to discover the continents again. We compare paths, align positions, try to exchange the most advanced solutions," said Ruslan Gizzatullin, the deputy director general for energy and information technologies at TAIF JSC.

“We see a high level of professionalism of engineering workers”

The SIBUR delegation had the opportunity to assess the scale of the Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) during the excursion. The guests visited the chemical workshops, the main and central control panels.

Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1) pays special attention to environmental protection activities. The plant conducts an effective environmental policy by optimising production processes, carrying out energy-saving measures, introducing the best available technologies and rational resource consumption. The SIBUR representatives also became interested in this experience.

“We see a high level of professionalism of engineering workers. People deeply care about the station. This is noticeable by the main production. If it breaks records, it means that auxiliary production — energy — operates stably. Investment and repair activities are very competently distributed, everything is planned in advance. Special requirements are imposed on the Nizhnekamsk CHPP due to the high consumption of vapours and heat load. One can count the stations that operate in this mode on their fingers. Colleagues bear a great responsibility for the maintenance of boiler equipment in proper condition. They do it very professionally and reliably!” Vladimir Tupikin, the director for energy and resource supply at SIBUR, shared his impressions.

The representatives of SIBUR and TGC-16 summed up the results of the meeting at the closing meeting. They agreed on closer cooperation and mutual assistance.

“The development of energy in TAIF is much broader. We have only one thermal power plant, which is part of the Tobolsk enterprise. There is a large investment programme implemented here in recent years. We see how carefully our colleagues treat their heat, electricity, the efficiency of these processes and the reliability of production facilities. We have traditionally agreed to exchange energy projects. To discuss the details. I would like to thank my colleagues," said Igor Klimov, the member of the management board — managing director of SIBUR, who oversees issues of production efficiency, energy and resource supply.

In conclusion, Ruslan Gizzatullin stressed that when combining companies, it is important to preserve the traditions laid down by the veterans of production.

“Our colleagues from SIBUR recognise that a serious school of specialists in rubbers, plastics, and energy has been formed in Nizhnekamskneftekhim, TGC-16. It is important to preserve the school. These are not just people who came to work at the plant, these are their families, children. When conditions are created not only for employees, but also for their families, this has an additional effect. Children, seeing how their parents work, will study and return here. This is our main asset. This is the point of application of efforts, which will subsequently allow us to successfully implement all our ambitious plans.

Lilia Yegorova. Photo: Albert Muklokov

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